Beautiful Cover and Places to Click

Hey all! For those aspiring writers out there, I just posted about agents and publishing on my blog, which you can read here. Also, the cover to Plain Jayne is now posted on the Harvest House website – you can see it here. Taking a little bit of credit, I’ll tell you that the flowers on the bottom were my idea :-)

Hopefully we’ll get it posted here soon…you really should see it, it looks great! I’m so excited for everyone to get a chance to read this book. I like to think that books are like babies (note: I don’t have babies yet, but I have many friends who do), and it seems like there’s a point where you just want to show everyone your beautiful baby. I pretty much feel that way about the book – and will even more so once it’s entirely edited!

Last 5 posts by Hillary

4 Responses to “Beautiful Cover and Places to Click”

  1. Hi Hillary!
    I just checked out your cover and I LOVE it! And I can’t wait to read this story. It sounds fresh, amusing and sincere. I meant to tell you, right before I went to the RWA conference I checked out your blog and I saw your wedding photo. You are a total stranger, but I almost got teary-eyed. Congratulations on your wedding anniversay, and your upcoming release.
    Mary Ellis


  2. I like this site and the way the book looks, would love to win a copy of it.



  3. Mary – You’re so sweet! And congrats for the success of Widow’s Hope :-) We’re not quite total strangers – I don’t think anyone who navigates the crazy world of publishing can be!

    Edna – There will be more book giveaways on this site later on, and once Plain Jayne releases I’ll have a few contests of my own. Keep checking back for updates!


  4. I love amish books, and would love to win one


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