The Amish Blacksmith: Author Interview with Susan Meissner
Today’s guest is the second author in the “Men of Lancaster County”-series duo, Susan Meissner! We’re chatting about the second book in the series, which just released this August – The Amish Blacksmith. Come take a virtual trip with us to Amish country…
Susan Meissner is a multi-published author, speaker, and writing workshop leader with a background in community journalism. Her novels include The Shape of Mercy, named by Publishers Weekly as one of the 100 Best Novels of 2008 and a Carol Award winner. She is a pastor’s wife and the mother of four young adults. When she’s not writing, Susan writes small group curriculum for her San Diego church. Visit Susan at her website:, on Twitter at @SusanMeissner, or at
Wonderful to have you here, Susan! To begin, Mindy mentioned in your joint interview on the Harvest House blog in August that her husband came up with the initial plot idea for the first book in this series, The Amish Groom. What inspired the premise for this sequel, The Amish Blacksmith?
Susan: When Mindy and I spent a long weekend in Lancaster County at an Amish farmhouse, I had the opportunity to shadow an Amish blacksmith for a day. He was so very open to my being there and my peppering him with questions hour after hour. I could tell he loved his work, he loved horses, and he and his brother had a heart for troubled horses. The first scene in The Amish Blacksmith nearly played itself out in front of me on that day, although I changed all the little details. When we started plotting this book, we knew we wanted a story that borrowed from the idea that horses must be dealt with gently to deal with traumatic events from the past, just as we must also be.
Given the skills of the hero and heroine in this book, are either you or Mindy horsewomen or horse-lovers to some degree?
Susan: I am actually rather scared of horses, strangely enough! I have only ridden one once – with my best friend at the reins – and it took off on us after being spooked by who knows what. I hung on for dear life, escaped without injury, was sore for a month, and vowed thereafter to appreciate these majestic animals from the vantage point of terra firma. I live where people own horses, and I pass several on my walking route with my dog. I always stop to pat them and tell them how pretty they are. I do love them, but from the perspective of being enthralled by the depth of their emotional make-up. Horses are very sympathetic creatures. Just like us.
What did you most enjoy about the research for this novel? Anything especially interesting or surprising that you discovered?
Susan: I loved the day I spent with Elam Stoltzfus and his brother, Eli, watching them work, learning from them, laughing with them. When I left for a little while to go have lunch I asked when I should return and Elam said ice-cream thirty was a good time to come back. I laughed and asked when that was. He said, “whenever we want it to be.” We had frozen Snickers (and they were delish) at 2:15. I think I had this strange image in my head that Amish people are always serious. Not so. They know how to laugh and have fun and make jokes. And I love that I’ve a new appreciation for making time for simple joys like ice cream.
“Ice-cream thirty” – will have to remember that one! Love your discovery about the Amish.
The Amish Blacksmith is written from the hero’s point of view. Despite the fact that the majority of people who pick up this book are not likely to be Amish, male, or a blacksmith, how might they still relate to and learn from Jake’s story?
Susan: Just like any novel that isn’t about someone just like you, residing in your hometown and living a life just like yours, this book is about a person who wants something from life and they face a barrier. Every one of us, no matter our gender, occupation, or faith, has dreams and goals for our lives. We all face obstacles. We are all of us on a journey that God is marking out for us but that is sprinkled with ample opportunities to make choices. When we read someone’s fictional story, whether it’s about an Amish blacksmith named Jake or a teenage idealist named Dorothy Gale, or a pre-civil rights lawyer’s daughter named Scout, we look for ways to relate the story. A good story will make that easy. Hopefully, readers won’t have stretch too far to relate to Jake!
What’s one of the things you appreciate most about the Amish lifestyle?
Susan: I am of the opinion that most people who haven’t studied this lifestyle assume the Amish reject modern, technological advances because those advances are worldly, evil, and lead people to become faithless, heartless, and Godless. What I have learned instead and appreciate the most is that the Amish treat anything that threatens community as a bad idea. Phones aren’t frowned on because they are inherently evil. Phones make it easy to distance yourself from your neighbor, as do cars, airplane rides, and for some Amish communities, bicycles. The Amish look at how to effectively love their neighbor with better scrutiny than most of us Englischers. I may not wish to adopt the same stance on these modern conveniences, but I totally get the idea that whatever keeps me from seeing and interacting face to face with my neighbor can also keep me from loving them.
Thank you for taking the time to visit with us, Susan! It was a pleasure having you and Mindy join us this week.
Amish Readers, tell us – are any of you horse-lovers/horsewomen? Do you enjoy reading stories that feature horses?
Photos from Amish country courtesy of Susan Meissner.
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I think horses are very beautiful. I have never gotten too familiar with them. As a novice I once rode one but it was a gentle house and knew it’s way about. However I was sore for a week afterwards. I got spanked whenever the horse galloped because I didn’t know how to ride with the horse. Still I can say that I have ridden a horse, never mind the fact that I felt sorry for the poor horse.
Amber Stokes Reply:
September 18th, 2014 at 1:00 pm
Sounds like you’re thinking along the same lines as Susan: they’re beautiful creatures, but not your favorite mode of transportation.
That’s certainly understandable.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the topic!
Thanks for having me as your guest!
Amber Stokes Reply:
September 18th, 2014 at 1:59 pm
We’re glad to host you here, Susan! Thank you for your great responses.
I appreciate Susan’s comments about advancements in technology, air travel, etc. not being evil, but that they separate us from community. Have you ever been working in the kitchen and your child in another room phoned you (or texted) from the cell phone to ask a question? My daughter-in-law has. Or have you been sitting at dinner with family for a celebration (that you are paying for) and have several guests with head down the whole time? My husband put his foot down on that one. “You disrespect me. You eat at my table and you can’t put that thing down for the hour we’re all eating and talking together. Such disrespect!” They promptly put them away and–they all know, don’t get ’em out when at Papa’s or when he’s paying. Phone evil? no Distance from community? yes
Amber Stokes Reply:
October 22nd, 2014 at 9:13 am
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences on the technology topic, Ellen!