Featured Fiction & Giveaway: An Unexpected Match by Gayle Roper
An Unexpected Match by Gayle Roper (September 2014)
About the Book:
Rachel Beiler loves her job as the teacher in her Amish community. She’s obedient, humble, and compliant and tries to keep the ordnung to the best of her ability. But Rachel has a secret—something that could get her shunned if she’s found out. She loves knowledge and yearns for a college education.
After serving a dozen years in the Army, Rob Lanier has returned from Afghanistan. But now that he’s home again, he’s constantly reminded of his family’s fall from grace. His father—once a highly respected and wealthy community leader—has disgraced the family, and Rob can’t find it in his heart to forgive him.
When Rachel and Rob meet, sparks fly. But when a series of frightening events surrounding Rachel’s brother Johnny brings Rachel’s world crashing down around her, this unlikely match between an Amish teacher and an Englischer ex-soldier seems to be God’s perfect answer.
Purchase the Book:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Christianbook.com
Favorite Quote:
“What are you writing about for next Friday?” Rachel asked. She felt impatient that she had to wait a whole week for the next class because of Labor Day. “We can brainstorm with you.”
“I don’t know.” He grinned that adorable grin of his. “It’s not Thursday night yet.”
What I Enjoyed:
- The authentic and thought-provoking struggle Rachel has as she’s torn between two worlds—one she vowed to be a part of with the family she loves, and the other where she feels free to truly be who God made her to be.
- The unusual but charming friendship that forms between Rachel and two of her classmates. Such unique personalities!
- The intriguing secondary characters—everyone from Rachel’s parents and siblings, to her kind neighbor, admirable college professor, and some definitely not-so-admirable enemies that someone makes…
- The suspenseful elements, as built up by a secondary character who gets himself in over his head.
- The quirky animals (horse and dogs) that add another layer of emotion and fun.
- The sweet romance, including a secondary romance that’s also rather unexpected!
- The unique premise of a young Amish widow wanting to attend college, and the great questions and discussions that arise from the twists and turns of her story.
Question for You:
Rachel finds some unexpected blessings in the Englisch world—including new friends and new lessons about faith. What’s one unexpected blessing (big or small) that you’ve experienced recently?
Leave a comment with your email address for a chance to win a paperback copy of this book!
Fine print: Giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only, and participants must be 18 years old or older to enter. A winner will be randomly selected and emailed on Friday, November 21st. This giveaway is in no way sponsored by or affiliated with Facebook, WordPress, or Twitter.
Last 5 posts by Amber | AmishReader.com
- Thanksgiving Recipe: Roasted Rosemary Turkey - November 16th, 2018
- Recipes for a Three-Course Autumn Meal - October 23rd, 2018
- Autumn Interview with Vannetta Chapman - October 16th, 2018
- Autumn Recipe: Chili Bean Soup - September 19th, 2018
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I was blessed unexpectedly a few weeks ago when I entered a contest by writing about an amusing thing that happened with a pet. I had to tell in 50 words or less about it. I was shocked when I was contacted by email and told that I’d been chosen as one of the winners. I didn’t think my entry was that good to be a winner.
So now I’m trying to win this book. I absolutely love contest and enter them all. I saw this book on Amazon and it looks interesting. Would love to win it.
jillpratt Reply:
November 18th, 2014 at 7:53 pm
i had an unexpected blessing a couple of weeks ago when my daughter called on her way home from work, which she does often; i live in nw pa., and she lives in atlanta. but on this particular call i hear, ‘i wanna talk to nana’!! oh how my heart fluttered and the tears came to my eyes. this was the first time my grandson wanted to speak with ‘his nana’!!! he’s 2 1/2, and has been shy to talk on the phone. i haven’t seen him since he was 1, so i don’t know if he remembers me. so that was a big blessing for me!
My unexpected blessing didn’t happen recently it happened last year. My daughter was pregnant and went in for her first ultrasound and found out that her and her husband were expecting identical twins. Talk about an unexpected blessing. We were all in shock for a while. Today the boys are 15 months old and doing great. They are truly blessings in all of our lives!
My son stopped speaking to me three years ago when he became involved in drugs. He has contacted me recently to apologize and invite me back into his life. He has been clean now for 9 months!
The blessings are those God has brought by.
I would love to win a copy of this book. The storyline sounds intriguing.
My unexpected blessing was two grandsons. We are well into our 60’s and never thought we would be blessed with grandchildren.
Looking forward to another great story. A great year.
I have so many blessings… The one I’ll share is that I work with a wonderful cousin who is my ride to and from work while my husband’s car is broke down.
I would love to win this book.
After trying for awhile for a daughter I was blessed with her at age 40. She is now 3 and we are very close. She is our true blessing from God !
Love your books would love to win Thanks
The Bible and knowing the truth in it has been my greatest blessing in life since I was 10-I am now 74 and although it ranks first on my lists of books, I recently found that Amish books are wonderful clean story lines and some authors just blow me away with their story lines-so now my life is full of Bible wisdom and knowledge and I have comfortable readings when I want to read a fiction full of good wholesome stories
I would love to win this book..Sounds so good.
Love reading Amish fiction. My most recent unexpected blessing was going online to pay my college daughter’s power bill a few minutes ago and discovering I did not have to pay it because there was a credit from a refund of the original deposit. Sure is a blessing right here as Christmas approaches. It’s the little things.
This sounds like another great book to read. Thanks for a chance to win it. May God Bless You!
We live on a very limited budget. A few months ago we were down to the bare nothings almost in our cupboards and fridge. I just prayed and told God I was trusting Him. That after noon, My husbands boss showed up at our house with fresh veggies from his garden and a couple of bags of meat. This got us through to our next payday.
Amish fiction has helped reconnect me to my farm. In the family for generations, it is now under my stewardship but I have no partner, only 4 kids. After 17 years, sometimes I feel discouraged and over-burdened. Reading Amish stories has helped rekindle my love for all the warm and beautiful aspects of living on a farm, reminding me I would not want to be any place else!
That has been a huge Blessing.
great reads
An unexpected blessing is that an online friend sent me a box full of goodies when I was feeling down. Beautiful book cover.
Having a donation of embroidery floss and threads where our baby bib project for church can help so many more people. None of us have a lot of resources and my “stash” was lost in a move; having even these items to make something by hand for ladies we will never meet is being useful and rewarding- and very humbling.
I have enjoyed reading Amish stories. They always inspire me to never give up. The love of family and church family is very fulfilling. Gods love is never ending and I trust him with my whole heart. I can always depend on my Lord for the comfort and love I need. I hope I win this book also. I love just having a chance to try.
God Bless,
Cherie Cheeseman
Love these stories!!!
An unexpected blessing happened a few days ago, my son got promoted to full-time at the store where he works. He got married last month and was working two part-time jobs and now he just works one full time one! Yay!
Recently my computer’s hard drive crashed. Unfortunately I store a lot of the files I generate and/or use for work on my home computer. Our computer “guru” is building me a new-to-me computer out of good parts from computers just upgraded to the latest equipment at no charge to me except for his time. An additional blessing is that he was able to restore all my files from a back-up performed just the day before the crash. I praise God for these blessings!!!
Can’t wait to read this book. I love the way Gayle Roper writes. Always great stories and values are in all her books. Blessing to everyone.
Salli Lemmen Reply:
November 18th, 2014 at 5:40 pm
Forgot to write my unexpected blessing. My blessing was that my daughter is getting married. I had prayed for the Lord to send her the right man and he did just that! Prayers were answered! She is having a Christmas Wedding.
I would love to win a copy of this book. Recently the Lord has showed me over the last year that he will provide for all my needs. from small ways to huge ways ! He never fails me.
I would love to read this book. I love to read Amish books. I’ll need books to read while I’m recouping from surgery.
Blessing came yesterday when I received a letter from someone I had not heard from for almost a year.
I have too many blessing to count! Just being a child of God is the biggest blessing!
The biggest blessing I have had lately happened on Tuesday. My husband was rear ended and is luckily only sore and wan’t hurt any worse.
With the recent early snow we had our driveway and walks cleared by some unknown angel. It was snowing we we went to bed at 10:00. When I got up Sunday morning our driveway had been cleared. My husband is unable to do this. I have had surgery on my foot and was not looking forward to working on the drive for a few minutes before coming in to warm up my foot. Then go back out. We have been in awe all week from this blessing.
I am blessed because I have one eye that I can see and still read with. I had surgery earlier this year and came out of the surgery blind in my left eye. They did another surgery to find out what happen and then I ended up with glaucoma in that eye. Sept. 30, that eye had to be taken out, I have struggle so much with this but God has shown me I’m still blessed and truly I am.
Helen Johnsrude Reply:
November 18th, 2014 at 6:27 pm
Dear one, may God give you many more years to enjoy reading. My husband lost his ability to read just this year.
I really love our baby granddaughter, Kate! She is our 8 week old darling
I enjoy all the Amish books I have read and it has given me the insight to slow down and enjoy each day to the fullest. The books have also brought me closer to god and all the beautiful things he has given to us. They make me appreciate everything a little more. Keep them coming – Love every new book published!
My latest wonderful thing that happened to me was the doctor not finding a blood clot in my lung as suspected. I had been in the hospital for different days with blood clots in my right arm that kept moving around. Many prayers were said and answered for me. What a blessing!!!
Our grandson who is the Navy and stationed in Japan surprised us with a visit! We did not think he would be able to come home this year. It was also his grandfather’s 80th birthday and that make it so special! Would love to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity. God bless.
I love to read the Amish books. It shows how God can bless a life without all the bells and whistles that so many people think they need today. God bless all the people who dedicate their lives to simply living for God. God bless all the writers of these Amish books for sharing with us.
Should be a wonderful book, as are all of Gail’s
My most UNEXPECTED blessing happened January 17, 1969. I had suffered thru 21 miscarriages and was so sad that I couldn’t have a baby, a young neighbor girl told me she was pregnant and asked if we would help her as her father had thrown her out. We took her in to our apartment where the only place we had for her to sleep was on the couch. For almost 4 months that is where she slept. We helped take her to the ob dr and talked to her about what she was going to do when the baby came. She didn’t know yet. On the morning of the 17th of Jan 1969 I took her to the local hospital, where a little girl was born. I was in the delivery room with her. When the baby was born she told the nurse to please give her to me as I was going to be her mother. I cried because it was the best present I had ever received. I love that baby girl so much and she has given us 2 beautiful grand babies a boy in 1994 and a girl in 1998. Yes my Father in Heaven blessed me that day and I can never say thanks enuff to that girl.
The unexpected blessing I’ve received recently is, I was hospitalized
recently and expected to stay at least a week then my unexpected blessing was I got better and my test showed I could be released and go home in 5 days. I was so thankful to go home early.
I Love to read Amish books and enter to win many contest and never win, hope to win this one. Thank You and Happy Holidays To You and Your Family !
My grandson was born very premature, weighing 3 lbs 6 ounces. With God’s blessing and our love, he survived and now is a healthy baby. I thank God every day for the nurse’s that took care of him.
I love reading Amish books. I first became interested in reading after I met an Amish family who live about 40 minutes from our home. They are such a wonderful family. We have known for about 15 years.
I love Amish books. I am so glad that I found them as they make me a much calmer and grateful individual.
i was blessed with 2 small boxes of amish books i love to read amish but our library has only a few so that was a great blessing to me as i have no income so i cant buy any myself!
I’m disabled because of a medical error that causes serious complications. I live on a very small income. I will be eligible for Medicare on December 1st and I knew I did not have the money to pay for the premium, deductible and co-pay. I started praying and today I found out that all of that will be paid for me. The Lord is so good. I love reading Amish books. They are my favorite. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this giveaway.
I would love to win, read Amish books all the time.
We’re in the process of trading in our vehicle and the net cost of the one we are purchasing is considerably less than we expected. Love your books!!
My greatest blessing has been the Lord sparing my husbands life. On June 26 he had a heart attack and open heart surgery which he coded three times the last one for 45 minutes. I begged God to keep him with me but realized God’s will was more important. So I turned him over to God. He was on the ventilator 13 days, the hospital three weeks and the nursing home 6 weeks. He came home the middle of October. His memory is gone there are alot of things he can’t remember. But God blessed me with keeping us together. And for that I am prayerfully grateful. God bless.
Love your books.
When I read, I feel like I am watching a movie, it just doesn’t have sound or the big screen. So love the Amish books, they teach you simple values, and Blessings.
i’d love to read this book! Thank you
My blessing came as a sus prize when my homeowner’s insurance was cancelled. My vehicles were insured at the same company. As I began to look for a new policy, I realized I had been paying way too much for insurance. On my small retirement, the extra dollars looked very good!
My husband passed away in August and my true blessing was how God showed me thru my church family’s love and support that He never leaves you to suffer alone.
I like to read a your books, because always is inspiration, respect and love
My blessing is that I am able to get groceries for an elderly woman each week. We then have lunch together. She is my blessing. I am so fortunate to have this woman in my life.
I am blessed to have two grandchildren but what makes me even more blessed is a new grandbaby that just arrived, 21 years after the first ones. We call her our miracle baby.
Hi. I love your books, just got home from hospital. I had injections put in for bulging disc, so going to lay on couch and read.
Am blessed with a beautiful 20 month old granddaughter. She is such a joy.
Thanks for holding this contest. I am always looking for a good book.
A special blessing to me was an answer to prayer recently. When I pray I expect God to answer, but sometimes it is just so remarkable in how He answers that it seems so sudden and unexpected…..until I remember that I prayed. God is so very good to us!
I work with young children in my church and it is always a blessing when one of them comes up to me and hugs me and tells me they love me.
what a great gift this would be–i would read it and then give it to my aunt
as a gift!
My Unexpected Blessing is to have enough to share with others. Each year at Christmastime we choose a family or organization to help. We are blessed this year to have the money to be able to help a family who’s son has Leukemia. They have a lot of bills and money is tight in their family. We pray the money sent is a blessing for them to receive as much as it is ours to give.
I love reading Amish fiction and would like to win this book.
I made some Amish friends many years ago. I love them like family and knowing that I am not able to can anymore, they pitched in and stocked my pantry. I am truly blessed by these loving people, my extended family…
I lbegan reading Amish fiction 9 years ago; met a gentleman over the website “Christian Mingle” who lived outside of Lancaster, PA. We started dating and suddenly I found myself living there also. I hav the deepest respect for the Amish and read anything about the Amish I can et my hands on.
I have read many books by Gayle Roper and have enjoyed everyone.
The most recent blessing that came into my life was my new grand daughter, Raelynn. She has been such a blessing in our life.
An unexpected blessing was last month a friend sent a money order along with a letter and said that she and her husband were able to share and bless others at this time and to use the money wherever it was needed or desired.
I so enjoy these books. They are such an inspiration to me. God bless you.
I love Amish books and would love to win this one!
Thanks for the chance to win.
I listen to ebooks and especially Amish . I used to read Amish books. Now do to my health I listen to e books. When I was able to read after I read a book, I then give it to my daughter and she would pass it down to my sister.
Due to health reasons a year ago my husband was forced to retired from his job as a rural mail carrier. We just trusted in the Lord that even though he had only been full time mail carrier for 10 years, and he had retired military too the Lord would provide. We have done fine. And also been able to take a trip to visit our son in LA. We don’t have oodles and gobs of money but God provides! I would be honored to win one of you books as I love reading and buying them is not always in the budget! In Christ!
I love Amish fiction books. I plan to visit some Amish communities soon. I am so interested in their style of living. I would love to live during the prairie days, back with the simple living features. Keep up the good work! Thank you for giving me a chance to win this great book. I promise to share it with family & friends. Reading is a great hobby of mine & others.
It may seem strange to say this but, getting diagnosed with breast cancer, with all the horrors that entails turned out to be an unexpected blessing as well. Through this experience I found out just how many true friends I really have and my life has been truly blessed by this knowledge. i also have a drawer full of handmade “chemo caps”.
I read Amish fiction as much as time permits. I would love to win this book.
I have so many blessings! God is so faithful! My unexpected blessing is actually for my sister. She lost her daughter, age 46, in August. She does not have the money to buy a cemetery marker for her. As a family Christmas gift…we are paying for the marker and installation as a special gift to her. I can’t wait to see her face. There will be tears. But happy tears!
what a wonderful storyline! thankful for good, Christian reading!
I really enjoy reading all of the amish books. I have just about everyone that comes out. Thanks
I lost my brother in May of this year, I am blessed that I know and loved him and his daughter and grand babies are a big part of my life it kepts him close
My blessing was my daughter not being let go during the reduction in force as she serves in the military, and even while my son was not as fortunate, I know that God has something else planned for him.
I love to read anything that concerns the Amish. You know that the story is going to be good and something that my young granddaughters could read which they have. I would love to win this book!
I love the Amish stories, they are true to life and interesting as well and relaxing. I have never read one that I didn’t like, thank you for all of them.
I am known at my local library by the type of books I read. Amish & Christian fiction. I think that is a great compliment.. I’d like to compliment all the Amish & Christian authors for providing such wholesome literature. There is such a need for this type of literature. We are bombarded by sin in all avenues of the media, music, movies, TV, & literature. Thank you again for rising to a better standard for all Christians & people with unscrupulous morals.
This hasn’t been a very good year. Among other things, I lost my dad in March. This sounds like a great book.
One unexpected blessing for me this year was seeing my mom’s smile when my friend who she hadn’t seen in about a year went to vist her with me.
I only read Amish books, and Christian faith books. I know that by doing this I renew my faith every time I read one, and I read daily. lol I especially like it when they reference things they say to Bible scripture. I grab my Bible, look it up, and again I have learned something new. What a blessing.
Amish books are delightful, their characters are realistic and interesting, and thank God we have so many Amish books to read!!!!
I especially like to read on my Kindle Fire, and I have so many I have read. I have many sites that I visit daily to get books that meet my need for faith based books only.
I read many types of books but Amish book bring me peace and closer to God. thank you
When having my cataract surgery I opted for the closer vision vs the distance specifically so I could read in bed on my kindle and nook.. Christian fiction is totally relaxing to read.
I love reading about the Amish and how they go about their lives without our modern conveniences. I would love to have one of the books.
An unexpected blessing for me was my son marrying a girl with a small little boy. That little boy means everything to me. I’m so blessed.
I love reading books about the Amish.
I’m leaving a comment on behalf of Agnes Bell, who was having difficulty submitting her email address – just to officially enter her in the giveaway!
I love and read as many of the Amish books as I can get. Haven’t found a one that enjoy. Would love to win this book to add to my collection.
Thank you to everyone who visited, and a special thank you to those who shared about God’s unexpected blessings in their lives. It’s so uplifting and encouraging to see some of the ways God is at work! While especially appropriate with the approach of Thanksgiving, it’s a joy any time of the year to count our blessings, wouldn’t you agree?
As for the giveaway, this month’s randomly selected winner is Linda Norvell. Congratulations, Linda! And thank you all again for taking part in this month’s discussion and sharing your love of Amish books!