Of Kapps and Carriages: A Comparison Between the Amish and the Huguenots (Plus a Giveaway!)
Article by Leslie Gould
During my research for The Women of Lancaster County series, which I co-wrote with Mindy Starns Clark, my fascination with church history expanded exponentially. For a while I was “living” in 16th century Switzerland, the time and place where the Anabaptists—the foundational movement of both the Mennonites and Amish—originated. The more I learned about the era, the more fascinated I became with the Reformation and the many branches of Protestantism it produced.
When a reader told me about her Huguenot (French Calvinists) ancestors who immigrated to America about the same time as the first Amish came to Pennsylvania, I was immediately intrigued.
My research into this group of early Protestants resulted in another series with Mindy—Cousins of the Dove, a modern/historical saga that traces a fictional French Huguenot Family from the 1600s to the modern day. The first novel in the series, My Brother’s Crown, released in October, and we’re currently writing the second, My Sister’s Prayer.
As I continue to immerse myself in Huguenot history, I can’t help but compare and contrast the Huguenots to the Amish. Following is a very brief and very simple introduction to what Mindy and I have learned through the years. To see how we were able to weave this knowledge into compelling fiction featuring brave heroines who face nearly insurmountable odds, you’ll have to read the books!
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1. Origins
Verdict: very similar
Both the Anabaptists and the Huguenots originated in the early 16th Century as a result of the Protestant Reformation. The Anabaptists had their start in 1525 and the Huguenots in 1530.
2. Formative Years
Verdict: somewhat similar
The Anabaptists began in Switzerland and then spread, largely due to persecution, throughout Europe and eventually to both Russia and America. They were often referred to as being part of the “Radical Reformation.”
The Mennonites were Anabaptists who followed the teachings of Menno Simons. The Amish broke off from the Mennonites in 1693, believing the original group was drifting away from the teachings of Simons, and were led by Jakob Ammann.
John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, was French but ended up fleeing to Switzerland and eventually pastoring a church there. However, his teachings led to the establishment of many churches in France too, and by 1562 there were two million French Calvinists—or Huguenots, as they were soon called. Like the Amish, most were eventually forced from their homeland. During the 1680s alone, an estimated 400,000 Huguenots fled France due to persecution under Louis XIV, going as far away as South Africa and North America. (There was a small group of Huguenots who stayed in France, and they will be explored in the fourth novel in our series.)
3. Baptism
Verdict: very different
A belief in adult baptism was one of the reasons the Anabaptists broke off from the Swiss Reformed Church. The Anabaptists believed only adults could make the decision to be baptized and quit baptizing their infants, which led to persecution by the Reformed Church, the Swiss government, and the Catholic Church.
On the other hand, Calvinists retained the tradition of infant baptism, believing it to be a covenant with God. (There are, of course, other theological differences between the two groups, including predestination. A primary source on the subject is John Calvin’s Treatises Against the Anabaptists and Against the Libertines. There are also, however, many basic similarities in the theology of the two groups.)
4. Simplicity
Verdict: different
Throughout their history the Amish have been known for their simple living. They, generally, reject modern ways, choosing to drive horses and buggies and to live off the grid. From the beginning, the Amish dressed simply and even referred to themselves as “Plain.” Today, the women still wear Kapps, modest dresses, and aprons, while the men wear suspenders and wide-brim hats. Traditionally, the Amish worked as farmers. Today, as the population grows, they’re running out of land and more are opening businesses or working in factories or other manufacturing jobs. Most Amish communities continue to meet on one another’s properties instead of in a church building, just as they’ve done since the beginning.
The Huguenots included members of the French wealthy class and even the gentry. Many had large homes, fine carriages, and a significant amount of material goods. (Although there were certainly poor Huguenots too—more so in rural areas.) Congregations usually built churches (called temples) where they worshipped together. Although their dress may have been more modest than the latest fashions, they did not focus on a simple lifestyle as part of their overall philosophy.
5. Today
Verdict: very different
Within a couple of generations the Huguenots assimilated into the dominant cultures that they joined—but they also left a lasting influence on those societies. Eight of our U.S. presidents had proven Huguenot ancestors, including George Washington, whose great-great-great-grandfather arrived in Virginia in 1620. Twelve other U.S. Presidents had credible claims to Huguenot ancestors. The experiences of the French Huguenots also seem to have contributed to the inclusion of Freedom of Religion in the First Amendment of our Constitution. Today there are Huguenot societies around the world, including one in Virginia that Mindy and I visited, that continue to preserve and share the history of their ancestors.
On the other hand, the Anabaptists have assimilated to a lesser degree. There are a total of 2.1 million Anabaptists worldwide, including Mennonites, Mennonite Brethren, Hutterites, and Amish. The Amish, as we know, are one of the groups who have assimilated the least. Today, there are nearly 300,000 Amish in the United States, up from 5,000 in 1924 and 84,000 in 1984. They are one of the fastest growing groups in the United States thanks to a birthrate that is three to four times higher than the U.S. average. (There are also Amish settlements in Canada and a Beachy Amish Mennonite Fellowship in Ireland.)
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Thank you for stopping by today! I hope you’ve enjoyed this quick comparison.
Please leave a comment below to enter for a chance to win a set of The Women of Lancaster County series OR a copy of My Brother’s Crown.
Fine print: Giveaway is open internationally and lasts through November 24, 2015. Participants must be 18 years old or older to enter. Two winners will be randomly selected—one for The Women of Lancaster County series (four-book set) and one for My Brother’s Crown. These winners will be contacted via email on Wednesday, November 25. The prizes will be provided by the author, and the giveaway is in no way sponsored by or affiliated with Facebook, WordPress, Pinterest, or Twitter.
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Leslie Gould is a bestselling author of 20 novels. She received her master of fine arts degree from Portland State University and lives in Oregon with her husband, Peter, and their four children. Connect with Leslie at www.lesliegould.com.
Last 5 posts by Amber | AmishReader.com
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- Autumn Interview with Vannetta Chapman - October 16th, 2018
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interesting information! these books look really good!
Juanita Erkenbeck Reply:
November 17th, 2015 at 8:40 pm
Cousins of the dove sounds like a great series. Thanks for the chance to win.
Beverly Duell-Moore Reply:
November 18th, 2015 at 9:45 am
I’m doing family genealogy. I haven’t been able to prove it yet but I might have had some French Huguenot ancestors. I need to do some more research on that. I did have some ancestors that fled to Canada around that time.
Raina Phillips Reply:
November 18th, 2015 at 3:44 pm
I absolutely love all your Amish stories. The French Hugenot’s sound interesting. The Amish Groom sounds interesting as well! Thanks for you writing.
Suzin Nussbaum Reply:
November 19th, 2015 at 8:21 am
I have just begun to study Amish life. I find it facinating.
I would be honored to win the books. Thank you
Janet Starling Reply:
November 19th, 2015 at 8:53 pm
I love reading about the Amish, love their simple life style. I have read several of your books. I have read only Christian books for last 15years, this year I finally got my husband interested in reading. He likes more of the mystery books but since I am the one to buy or go to library for them I still get a Christian based one.
There is a group of us women who meet everything Thursday and exchange books. All of us love the Amish.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 24th, 2015 at 4:49 pm
I love it that you’ve gotten your husband reading too! And that you exchange books with other women. Yay to both of those!
Rena Holcomb Reply:
November 19th, 2015 at 9:27 pm
I love great stories!
Susan Zollmann Reply:
November 19th, 2015 at 9:54 pm
I’m an avid reader but haven’t had the pleasure of reading any of your works. Hope I win, as I’d love to get started
Yvette Grabenstatter Reply:
November 20th, 2015 at 1:49 pm
Lovethe Amish stories and reading about the Huguenots
Brook Waddle Reply:
November 20th, 2015 at 2:29 pm
I find all of this SO fascinating! I love history and the way people used to do things, I think that is why I love reading Amish fiction. The French Huguenots seem very appealing!
Helen Campbell Reply:
November 21st, 2015 at 3:33 pm
This is such an interesting direction your writing has taken, to explore the Huguenots and their history and the connection with the Amish. Many Huguenots escaped and settled in N. Ireland, bringing with them their expertise in weaving, leading to the establishment of the linen trade here in Ulster. I look forward to reading the new books. Thanks for the pleasure you bring to all the women in our family who love reading about the Amish.
betty inglis Reply:
November 22nd, 2015 at 10:18 am
Ii am first time reader of your books and happy to come back for more.
Very interesting about the two groups. Thanks for a chance to win. Have a blessed day.
Would love to win love Amish books
I haven’t heard of the Huguenots, this is very interesting! Thanks for sharing your findings & the chance to win!
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 16th, 2015 at 7:18 am
Robin, Thank you for stopping by!
I had not heard of the Huguenots until I read My Brother’s Crown. Would love to win the Amish set.
[…] on over to Amish Reader to find out and while you’re there leave a comment to enter-to-win my latest release with […]
Thank-you for the history.
I learned a lot here. Now I am ready to read My Brother’s Crown!
I have always assumed that the Mennonites broke away from the Amish. Interesting to find thst it was actually the other way around!
Loved the article, very interesting information. Thank you for the chance to win such great books. God bless!
I love learning new things, I have never heard of the Huguenots. Thank you for the history lesson and the comparisons, very interesting.
Mary Umholtz Reply:
November 17th, 2015 at 5:49 pm
I remember that my mother talked a lot about how one of our relatives was a member of the French Huguenots, and am interested in finding out about this movement. Thanks your so much for all of this information. Everyone have a blessed holiday season.
Thank You for this information….It was so interesting to read about the Huguenots !!
I learn so much by reading your books. Thank you for sharing and I would love to know when you have a book signing in the Portland Metro area:) I am close by and would love to have a signed book by you.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 16th, 2015 at 7:20 am
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I will be at the Clackamas Barnes & Noble on the evening of December 3 for a Willamette Writers event! I’ll post more on my website and social media soon.
I would love to see you!
C. J. Reply:
November 18th, 2015 at 12:11 am
Would also love to know when daytime book signings are happening in the Portland/WA. SQ. area…or even Salem. (Not so much a Clackamas T.C. fan!) Would love to win the Amish Series, or single book. We visited a castle in Switzerland, where people were imprisoned and tortured, for not conforming to the State Church. My ancestors were some of the ones who came from that area, to PA. You can Google the TRACHSELWALD CASTLE and see photos. Thanks for a chance to win! Blessings to U….
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 25th, 2015 at 6:46 am
Hi, C.J.,
I don’t have any more signings planned right now, but when I do I’ll post them in my newsletter. If you’re not on my mailing list, go to http://www.lesliegould.com and sign up for it (upper, right hand corner).
Thank you!
I love to read about the Amish or really any historical fiction. I know you put so much research into your work
I love ALL Amish books. Would dearly love to win some. Thanks.
I find that most of my books waiting to be read are Amish. I just can’t get enough of them. Would love to win My Brother’s Crown or anything else you might want to give away.
Would love to win some new reading material. Cannot get enough of the Amish books
Enjoyed reading your article and look forward to reading your books.
I have always loved to read about the Amish. I started with Beverly Lewis. Now I have read many other women Amish authors.
I would love to win this series of books.
I really like to read books about the Amish. I would like to win the book you are giving away. Thank you.
Very interesting! I love to read Amish fiction. I hadn’t heard of the Huguenots.
I love the Amish and reading Amish books. I never heard of the Huguenots, but I like to learn more by reading these wonderful books. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.
Very interesting. I’ve read a lot of books and knew some history, but not a lot. Thanks for the info.
I love to read Amish Books I would love to win this series
I enjoyed reading this post.I found out some things that I didn’t know.Thanks for sharing.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 16th, 2015 at 7:22 am
Thank you for stopping by, Jackie! And for leaving a comment!
This was very interesting read.
Sounds so interesting. Thank you for the background information.
I would love to know about the Huguenots. I have been doing some tracking of the movements in Europe and many of the people that I help with their genealogy are very interested in this group.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 16th, 2015 at 7:23 am
How fascinating! Yes, there are lots and lots of descendants from the Huguenots. That’s great that you are helping others with their genealogy.
The Amish have always fasinated me. I’d love to own The Kapps and Carriages set. To win a copy would be awesome! My Brother’s Keeper looks like another great addition to my favorites list. Blessings to you & yours.
Have not read any books in this series, but they are on my reading list.
I did not know there was another branch similar to the Amish, besides the Mennonites . I would be interested in learning about this. Would love to win the books.
Love your books! And this was very interesting! Hope I win!!
What interesting information! I’d love to win a set of The Women of Lancaster County series and share it with my sister. Thank you!
Fascinating comparison! It is great to glean from your research. I greatly enjoy your books and appreciate the chance to win.
I love reading about the Huguenots since I have Huguenot ancestors who fled the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, first the French countryside and then not long later to the US. One of their descendants was a Patriot in the Revolution and founded two churches in the 1790’s that still exist today.
I’ve actually read My Brother’s Crown and LOVED it!
Hoping to win The Women Of Lancaster County series.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 16th, 2015 at 7:24 am
I’m so glad you enjoyed My Brother’s Crown.
Yes, you need a set of The Women of Lancaster County too!
I enjoyed the article so much! It was very interesting! I would love to win this set!
Very interesting, would love this set. Thank You fr the chance to win it.
Fascinating comparison – thank you !
I never considered comparing the differences but now that you have my curiosity peaked, I would love to learn more about the Huguenots, their people and their practices. Thank you for this opportunity and your generosity.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 23rd, 2015 at 8:42 pm
Thank you for stopping by and for your comment!
Interesting comparisons. It was suprising to learn many of the upper classes were Calvinist.
Very interesting research. Thank you for sharing and thanks for the opportunity to win!
Thanks for your generosity in sharing your gift of writing and hosting a giveaway.
Love every thing Leslie writes. Looking forward to many more books.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 23rd, 2015 at 8:42 pm
Thank you, Joyce!
I would love to own an to read this other book, but I will not give up reading about the Amish. I read your books but sadly have to give back to the library. So hope I can win an keep.
Love the books about Amish life. Would be excited to win either books.
I love reading about the Amish only because I did not have a loving family growing up. When reading I put myself in the girls places and grow up with them. They do so much together and I am sure there are spats between the children. But to bet part of a family lie that I would have given anything. God Bless. Diana
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 16th, 2015 at 7:26 am
Hi, Diana,
There are some challenging relationships in The Women of Lancaster County, but the great thing about writing fiction is that we were able to get all of them to a place of reconciliation. (One of my motivations for writing fiction could be the same as your motivation for reading it.)
Blessings to you and yours,
Very nice comparison between the two groups. I look forward to reading more about the Huguenots!
Very interesting! Love your books!
Blessings Joy
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 16th, 2015 at 7:26 am
Thank you, Joy!
I love learning everything I can about the Amish. Thanks for sharing!
I would love to read these – love Amish fiction.
I really enjoyed reading about the differences between the Hugenots and Amish. I had not really give it much thought until I started reading about it. Over the years, I am still an avid fan of Amish Fiction books. Nothing can take me “away” like a rich and inspiring Amish novel.
Very Interesting! Thank you for sharing Leslie
I would love to read/win either of these! Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Very interesting read. Love reading about the Amish
I love reading about the Amish and I would love to read this books. Good luck for all.
Very interesting information!
I would love to win! Love to read anything about the Amish; and love reading books!
I really enjoy reading Amish fiction and would love to read these books. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love the Amish books. The article was very interesting. Thank you
Thank you for sharing the very interesting history. I find it very fascinating.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 16th, 2015 at 7:27 am
Thank you for stopping by and posting, Cheryl!
I have never heard of the Huguenots. I read a lot about the Amish and love to visit Amish Country in Holmes County, OH
I’ve never heard of the Huguenots. Thank you for sharing. I love Amish fiction..thank you so much for this opportunity to win this set of books!
Have always been fascinated by the Amish. Now may have to read up on the Huguenots also. Thanks so much for the info
I love to read. The Amish stories have all been a favorite of mine.
I love to win
I found this article facinating!! Amish stories are my favorite and I love learning about their culture. Now may have to read up on the Huguenots also.
I would love to win. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!
I enjoy all amish romance books and love to read! Winning a copy would be great!! Thanks
How interestering about the two groups. I would love to learn more about these two groups. Also would love a chance to win your book. Thank You!
Thank you for sharing this history between the Amish and Huguenots. I had heard of the Huguenots but did not know that much about them. I’ve been told there is a group of them in IL (but I haven’t checked it out). I admire the simplicity and faith in God the Amish communities have. Also, thank you for a book giveaway. I always appreciate winning a book; otherwise, I’m constantly requesting books from our inter-loan service of our local library.
I am very familiar with the Huguenots, a portion of where I grew up in New York is called Huguenot. Can’t wait to read this book.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 23rd, 2015 at 8:43 pm
Hi, Rachel! Yes, a group of Huguenots settled in NY. I haven’t been there but Mindy has. I’d love to visit sometime.
Thanks for sharing this interesting history!! Love your books!
I adore curling up with a a good piece of Amish literature. Thanks for a lovely opportunity!
Wow. I really learned a lot from this post. I had no idea that there were so many Amish in this country. And, finding out there were at least 12 presidents with a Hutterite background. Thank you
November 17th, 2015 at 12:18 pm
oops Hugenot background
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 17th, 2015 at 8:40 pm
Thank you for stopping by and posting!
Thank you for sharing – I have never heard of the Huguenots before reading it here. Just recently met a couple who had left a Hutterite community, so have been doing some research to learn more about them. Love when books take me to new things!
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 17th, 2015 at 8:41 pm
Oh, that’s fascinating! That would an interesting comparison too!
Very interesting history on the early churches.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 17th, 2015 at 8:41 pm
Thank you for stopping by Gail! I really appreciate it!
I am always fascinated by the simple life they live. Sounds wonderful.
I am very grateful for these emails and wonderful Amish books. They truly are inspiring as is the Amish community. I tru wish I lived my life even more for the Lord as they do. How even their chores and jobs they do to glorify the Lord!!! I love the time I get to “get away ” in the books being a stay T home mom& babysitting for people who can’t aff child care
I absolutely love Amish novels, and Mindy is one of my favorites authors. Haven’t read any of Leslie’s books yet, but would love to!
Informative article. It’s winter and time for a good read!
Very interesting comparisons. I did not know most of the information given.
I have enjoyed lots of Amish literature. Your books bring their lives to life. I would love to win the contest.
Being a French major in college and a Protestant from Richmond, Virginia, where I lived off Huguenot Road, I’ve been fascinated by the Huguenots. I look forward to reading this new series about the Huguenots.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 17th, 2015 at 8:39 pm
You live in a beautiful area! Visited last July. Loved it! Book 2 and 3 in the series are set in Virginia.
Very informative. Enjoy reading reading about the Amish & their simple lifestyle.
Just interested as my moms family were amish and mennomite and later into The English society. Enjoy reading these stories
Very intriguing reads! Would love to win!
Mindy’s books keep me interested from first to last page.
I remember studying about the Huguenots but in my adult life, I had never thought of their origins being so similar to the Amish/Mennonites. Thank you for this very informative post.
I would love these books for my Mom.
I have read about the Heugonots in several different books before, but all of this is very, very interesting. Thank you for all the hard work you do so your books are accurate.
I always enjoy your books and I’m looking forward to reading the newest one!
I enjoy reading Amish novels….I would like to win your book…thanks for your interesting history on the different groups..
Love reading your books ladies. They are great. Am looking forward to reading your new one coming out. Amish books are my favorite books to read . Have a Blessed Day.
Would love to win these books!
I love reading about the Amish because of the deep faith and solid commitment to their faith. Thanks for the wonderful history of the development of the Amish and related faiths from which they derived. I am also deeply respectful of their commitment to the plain way and commitment to “separation from a worldly way of life.”
Wow what a ton on information in a few short paragraphs! I live in Pennsylvania and know lots of Amish and I thought I knew quite a bit of their past history. I just never knew some of what you have shared. Thanks! I would love to win a book.
sounds awesome thanks for writing good books for your readers!
I have read so many of your books and have not found one that I wasn’t totally involved with. You are a gifted writer and I have totally enjoyed the families I have met in the books and the opportunity yo possibly win a book from you just adds to the excitement I feel when I get anew book. Thank you for the chance to win!
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 17th, 2015 at 8:42 pm
Thank you so much for stopping by!
I would love to read these but I would especially like to win them for my 93 year old mother who enjoys these kind of stories very much. I found this post very interesting!
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 17th, 2015 at 8:42 pm
Ah, I would love for your Mama to get to read our books.
I enjoyed reading the comparisons and gained more knowledge re the Amish, Mennonites and Huguenot. So fascinating. I would be grateful to win the series. Thank you, Martha Staton
Your book sounds like you have put so much effort into making it such an interesting and informative book for all of us to read. Thank you so much for your time and for your gift of giving.
I love Amish books. Thanks for having this giveaway.
Enjoyed reading about all of the above I am a fan of Amish books as they are clean reads and have much to teach people about living a honest and clean life
Thank You for this chance to win. I am an avid reader and love to read about the Amish. I also want to thank you for the information about the Heugunots. I found it very interesting.
Thank you Leslie and Mindy for your wonderful series the Women of Lancaster County. I thoroughly enjoyed them and cant wait to read more.
Thanks for the opportunity to win. I so enjoy reading about the Amish. I don’t live far from Lancaster County in Pennsylvania and I carefully drive on the same roads where the Amish buggies drive. I always learn something new about them.
Thank you for the short history lesson. I find the Amish & Mennionite so interesting. Would love to read the new books.
I have a close personal friend who is Amish. I would appreciate any opportunity to read more about the Amish, Mennonites and Huguenots. Your books are very educational and I am ready to read more. Thank you for the opportunity.
Very interesting information! Can’t wait to read more about the Huguenots. Love your books! Have read all of them so far but waiting to read more.
That was interesting! I do enjoy learning more about the Amish ways..
I love these types of books and looking forward to reading them
My husband and I are American Baptists and we met with a Mennonite family in VA while working on an updated history of our church. They were very helpful. Enjoy your books and looking forward to reading the new ones. Thanks for the chance to win the set.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 23rd, 2015 at 8:44 pm
Thank you, Linda!
I have learned so much about the Amish and admire their ways so much. I have tried a lot of the recipes and find so many of them to be to the liking of my family. There is so much we non-Amish could learn and apply to our daily lives. Will continue to read the Amish books.
I love reading and learning about Amish. I find it so interesting and in this day and age so comforting and enjoyable
I love the Amish way of living and love reading books about them. Thanks for the history on them.
I love reading anything about the Amish & their history. We were in Switzerland just this summer and I thought of the Amish while I was there. Never heard about the Huguenots before, very interesting!
Love reading Amish stories as I never have to worry about the overt sexual context or reading something that goes against my religion. Love the simplicity of the Amish lifestyle too.
If I win it will be really hard to pick which book(s)!
I love reading about the Amish and the comparison between them and Huguenots was interesting. Thanks for the contest and the opportunity to win.
Thanks for a great giveaway! I love Amish books!
I just love to read about the Amosh & learn also about their traditions as well .
I read your books whenever I see them ! God Bless both of you. ,
Audrey. Engler
Thank you for the history on the individual movements. It is interesting.
Thank you for sharing all this history!
My Brothers Crown looks great. I know the Amish books are wonderful.
I love reading Amish books. Now also interested in these new books. Thank you.
Please enter me
I so enjoyed this article. I learned a lot from it.
Religion is extremely important to me, but throughout my life I have been filled with questions and looking for answers. Reading about the religious practices/beliefs of the Amish and Mennonites in novels has been the most enjoyable as well as educational way for me to learn about their beliefs, past and present. To now also have the opportunity to have the beliefs/practices of the Huguenots also included is wonderful! Thank you so much for all of your books. I find myself seldom ever purchasing any other kind of book. As a 72 year old, this is a wonderful way of enjoyable relaxation!
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 23rd, 2015 at 8:45 pm
Thank you, Carole!
I loved the history lesson on the Amish. We have some Amish friends in central Indiana. They are wonderful people. I thoroughly enjoy reading your books. I’d love, love, love to win one. I’d be honored. Thank you!
love to rea d anything about the amish
I really like to read Amish stories.I have never heard of the Huguenots,but they sound very interesting.I would love to win either one
I learned something new today! Thank you for sharing this information with us – your readers.
Very interesting. I heard about the Hugenots but didn’t know much about them. It’s interesting to see how they compare to the Amish. I’d love to read the Amish series!
Thank you for the history lesson and a chance to win!
Very interesting thank you for the information
I’ve never heard of the Huguenots, but I love reading about the Amish.
Thanks so much for the interesting info about the two groups. Really enjoyed reading this.
I have read everything written by Mindy Starns Clark and look forward to reading the new series about the Huguenots. I have also read most of the books Leslie Gould has written. I still need to read BECOMING BEA and the Neighbors of Lancaster County series. Thanks, Ladies, for your writing!
a history lesson in a nutshell haven’t heard of the Hugenots since highschool
I just love reading these stories. Their life style just amazes me.
Very interesting comparison. I like reading novels that have a historical basis.
I love reading about the Amish. Didn’t know much about the Huguenots until now. Always exciting to find a new series of books to read. In stressful times like these it is nice to turn to books that are not only entertaining, but also encourage us in our faith. I love to escape from everyday life in a really great book.
I love the history you wrote Leslie. I’m reading My Brother’s Crown now and it’s fantastic. Usually I don’t care much for this era, but the way you and Mindy wrote this book has captivated me. I would love to win your Amish series. I only had the opportunity to read one of the books and Amish is my favorite, plus I love your books. Thank you, Leslie!
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 23rd, 2015 at 8:45 pm
Thank you, Barbara!
Thank you for this post. It was very informative, and information that I had not known before. I would love to win a copy of one of these books. Thank you for the chance
your books are great
I love reading Amish Christian fiction, Historical Christian, anything really Christian Fiction 😀 ! I’ve read several of the authors listed on this website, but have not some and look forward to checking them out! I work in a library and am often asked for reading recommendations and this site is really helpful to have! Thank you for a chance to win books (my favorite thing!)!!
Great information. So very informative. Would love to read these books.
Thank you for the information and the chance to win.
love the books that I’ve read by both you I have loved. I love reading about the Amish and their history. Since I was in a serious car wreck about 6 yrs ago I haven’t enjoyed a lot of the authors I used to read. Someone recommended “The Shunning” by Beverly Lewis. Wow!! What a chance from the Christian fiction that I used to try read. Now there is a large selection and so many wonderful authors. No preaching but still shows faith and has wonderful, heart warming stories. I rarely read main stream unless its an author I know or one I’ve read for years and know they don’t get to far off.
Love Amish fiction. Thank you for this opportunity!
I miss not getting to make my monthly visit to Ronks and Intercourse PA. So I get to feel like I’m there by reading books about the Amish and making the recipes I find in the books. Enjoyed this comparison and learned about a new group today.
I love your books. Thank you for the wonderful stories.
Thanks for a chance to win. Love reading Amish fiction.
I love reading anything Amish. Would love to win.
I so enjoy reading anything Amish. I learned so much in your comparison notes. It would be awesome to win.
Love reading and exchanging books with my mom
was very interesting want to learn more. Love the Amish history stories. would love to win a new book to read.
I would be overjoyed to win…because I just love reading Amish fiction
I find this all very interesting and would love to have these books to read
I would love to read these books and then share them with people in the 55+ building I live in.
I love all Amish novels and would love to win these, would make me some great reading this Winter while closed in. Thanks so much for having this giveaway!
OMG!!! The new series sounds great, I love to learn new (old) religions and their way of life! The Women of Lancaster County sound great as well! Thank you for this opportunity!
I love to read Amish series!!!
Looking forward to reading your latest book!
I just love reading the amish books and finding out interesting facts about them. Thanks.
How very interesting these books sound! I love all the books of Mindy Starns Clark, and would love to win either author’s collection. Thanks for the giveaway!
I absolutely adore these books. Good clean reading and exciting too.
Cant wait to read and pass on to v.a. hospital in riviera beach, fl
Thank you for the giveaway. Thank you for sharing the information on Huegonots and Amish.I had wondered what the difference between Mennonite and Amish were.
It builds my faith to read about others who are on the path of discipleship.
This article was so interesting! Thank you for sharing the similarities and differences between the Anabaptists and the Huguenots.
I love stories about the Amish, would love to read these.
I have never heard of this group before. I Love the comparisons with the Amish.
I would love to win the “My Brother’s Crown”!
Our family loves to read books together. We have recently gotten into Amish fiction and greatly enjoy it. We would love to read these together.
As as 50 something single,white British male,I’ve always been intrigued by the Amish,& very enviable too,as I so struggle with the fast,media based,cold,clinical lifestyle I was born into here.I buy as may Amish dvd’s,books and downloads as I humanly can,& live my life within God’s grace whilst on ever being able to view the Amish from a distance,more’s the pity.So to win this amazing prize,and the beautiful Amish gift that it represents to me,would at the very least bring this lonely British man a little bit closer to the Amish lifestyle~Amen
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 23rd, 2015 at 8:46 pm
Billy, thank you so much for your comment!
Thanks for a look at some of the differences between the plain people. Good reading with clear morals.
I thoroughly enjoy all your Amish books. I can hardly lay them down sometimes I read the entire book before I go to sleep. God bless you and yours.
Yes, I am a genealogist and have done considerable research for people searching their Huguenot families. They moved in clusters in the early days and there is a major historical collection on them called the Leiden collection. It is really fascinating!
I Would love to win the “My Brothers Crown” book!
Ok…I’m hooked…lol..can’t wait to read either book . .thanks for doing giveaways
Oh how I love reading Amish fiction.I love the fact that they are Christian based reading.I’m disabled & don’t travel a lot due to Nerve & muscle damage as well as Degenerative disc disease.The pain is so intense riding in a vehicle kills me.
Amish books take me on so many journey’s without my actually leaving home or destroying my spine further by riding in a vehicle.
I love the biblical passages within each story itself.Thank you so very much for the opportunity to enter one of your contest.
I have never heard of the Huguenot’s, I have read a lot about the Amish. I’ve been going to Amish country in Illinois and Indiana for many years, love going down the back roads. I would love to win the books, I love to read Amish stories.
Both books sound great. Thanks for the giveaway.
My Brother’s Crown sounds like an interesting read.
I would love to read one. i love amish books.
I would love the chance to read these books. I love books about the Amish, from the description I’m sure I’d like these too!
I would love to read My Brother’s Crown. I have read and enjoyed the the Amish Series. Thank you.
You are going to make someone extremely happy. I hope it’s me.
I’m very enthralled by the simple life the Amish lead. I am astonished by how artistic they are daily making quilts, furniture, crocheting & knitting. Plus raising their children to be productive & caring individuals.
I don’t know if you’ve seen the series on cable television about a Hutterite community in Canada. It was very enlightening.
Thank you for sharing your research. Your books are an inspiration to live a life that is pleasing to God & to remember the simple messages which Jesus taught. Love one another! God bless you& your families.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 23rd, 2015 at 8:47 pm
Thank you, Betty, for reading and commenting!
I love all your books. and looking foreward to reading
your newest ones.
I love to read Amish books. I have a lot .They live a very simple life and seem happy.Would love to win. Thank you.
Wow, I’ve never heard of the Huguenots before. I’ve found the information to be really interesting. I can’t wait to read all about them!
I would love to be considered as a winner of these books!
I’m also loving that as an outsider of the US, (I live in Western Australia), that I have a competition that I can finally enter! YAY!
As a retired librarian instead of just reading both of you girls’ wonderful books now I buy them, read them and then donate them to my home library.
Love reading all Amish books..they are so uplifting and interesting to me! I would LOVE to win… Thanks!
Would Love to win….. I read only Amish novels, anymore, because of the interesting stories and they are USUALLY wholesome, clean books. Thank you. I replied to your comment above, regarding book signings in your area. Now, I am going to send you a P.M. Blessings~
Very interesting comparisons among the groups, love all the historical facts. These articles and newsletters are so informative thanks, would love to be in your drawing.
Would love to win,l love to read about the Amish
I have been fascinated by the Amish culture for quite some time. I really enjoy learning about the beliefs and customs. So much so, that I did my college project on their customs.
This article is really interesting and I can wait to read “My Brother’s Crown”. Thank you for writing the wonderful books you do.
The Amish way of life is very interesting. My favorite books to read! Sure hope to win! Blessings to you & yours.
Wow i have never heard of the group, Iy would be great to read your book about them. I learn so much through the fiction books as their are not many non fiction books to read on the amish. I enjoy getting lost in a book, and cant stop reading. Thank u for writing these books. I would like to win a book. I cant learn enough.
Very interesting article. Thank you for sharing. I love to read good, clean Amish romance. Thank you for the chance to win.
Tears are streaming! Tomorrow I will be Finishing the last few chapters of The Amish Bride The Women of Lancaster County Book 3 by Mindy Starnes Clark and Leslie Gould! Awesome book! Awesome Authors! Wished I had my own series. Thankful for our local library.
Thank you ever so much for the information. I had heard of the groups. But didnt know all the history. you have given me avenues to research them. I have mennonites in my family. There are several Amish around our area. LOVELY PEOPLE. Very hard workers. I read all the books I can get a hold of on the Amish. Then I pass then on. GOD bless all the authors.
I am totally fascinated by the Amish religion and culture. We have an Amish community in our area and I drive through it on my way to my daughter’s house. I stop and shop frequently in their store as I love buying in bulk, especially cooking supplies. I enjoy talking with the people
In the Spring, I visit their greenhouse and buy my flowers. They have a large business of manufacturing steel and wooden storage sheds and sell metal siding for buildings. The plain way of life brings back memories of my grandmother. She had no electricity, indoor plumbing or other amenities. She cooked on a wood stove and read her Bible at night by the light of a kerosene lamp. I love reading about this lifestyle and enjoy your books.
Hi, I just love all your books, you both are on my favorite author list! Thank you for this chance
Very interesting facts about the Amish and the Hutterites. I am looking forward to read more about them.
I love to read. These books would be perfect to add to my library!
I love to read the Amish novels.Having been a nurse, I loved the Amish midwife. I would love to read these. Thank you!
Left a lengthy message yesterday but for some reason can’t find it so am writing again. Have enjoyed the Amish books ever since 2008. I bought Wanda Brunstetter’s “The Quilter’s Daughter” for my sister because she had fallen and broke her leg. I wanted to take something to her so I felt a book would be perfect. She also had been doing quilting. When I gave it to her she said she already had it. So instead of taking it back, I kept it and read it on our way home. We live in SC and she lives in Michigan. We were going for a visit to see her and my husbands sister because she also was laid up from a heart attack. Anyway, that’s how I got started reading Amish fiction and have really enjoyed it. Have done more reading in the passed five years than probably my entire life. Many reasons: my husband passed away 3 years ago and am living with my daughter since then. Had a accident in February 2015 and totaled my car, so my family does all the driving now. Am 77 years old so I guess it is best. My only activities are with my church and my family. As long as they are willing to take me I am resigning to it. Keep on writing and enjoying it.
Love and prayers,
Barbara Myus
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 25th, 2015 at 6:41 am
Hi, Barbara,
I’m so glad you tried again on leaving the message. Thank you for sharing part of your story and how you began reading Amish fiction. So thankful you have your family for support.
This is the third time I have tried to leave a message. But I am not sure what is happening to them. So I’ll make it shorter and let you know how much I have enjoyed your Anush writings. Looking forward to your newest one. Hope I win the giveaway. Never have yet. Don’t drive anymore and with my daughter and her family and am 77 years old. Reading is my favorite pass time.
Raised six children and my husband passed away three years ago just before Christmas. God bless you as you continue to write and have a very blessed Christmas!
Barbara Myus
I enjoy reading about the Amish. I have heard of the Hutterites living in areas of MN and South Dakota. Thank you writing such good books.
I love to read books especially Amish romance. Thanks so much for the chance to win!!
Thank you for the opportunity to learn as I read (although it is fiction) I still find it all very interesting.
I would very much like to win this series. I have never heard of the Huguenots until I read this newsletter. I recently learn some about the Shakers.
It is very interesting to learn the different ways other worship.
Thank you for the chance to win a book or a series of books.
Pat Merritt
Very interesting! I love reading about this!
I have just started reading Amish stories and I have found that I love them! I love learning about the lifestyle that they have and recipes to try! Thanks for the opportunity to enter the give away!
Thanks for a chance to win.
My family has Huguenot ancestors and I would love to read the book. Love books that include history!
Interesting how the Amish, Mennonites and Huguenots are all related so to speak and how many of our Presidents have them in their heritage. sm
I love the beach and there is nothing I like better than sitting there and reading a book concerning the Amish, be it fiction or non-fiction. There is nothing like holding a book in your hands and getting completely immersed in it. The sound of the gulls and the waves help to steal you away to Amish country as you read. Great reading for sure. Combined it is soul refreshing.
I had heard of the. Huguenots, but knew nothing about them. Thanks for showing the similarities and differences. I would be happy to win anything
Very interesting post! It was great to learn all the differences that I wasn’t aware of. Thank you for the chance to win…I would choose “The Women of Lancaster County” series!
Enjoyed reading the differences in the group’s. Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win.
Sounds like an amazing series. I have heard of hutterites, but never huguenots.
I love reading Amish books. My family came over from Germany. They considered themselves Pennsylvania Dutch. Reading Amish books give me a glmps of what their lives were like
You never quit learning and growing. Thanks for your work on this topic. I would really like to read The Women of Lancaster County
Thank you ladies for the opportunity to win a wonderful series and the ability to expand my knowledge of the Amish.
Love Amish books!!! Would love to win!!!
I enjoyed reading about the various groups, so interesting and challenging to my lifestyle and attitudes.
I enjoyed the history of the various practices on the Amish and Huguenots. Very interesting. I have a few friends that are Amish and they are such wonderful people. They may have different beliefs but they do believe in God. I would love to receive the books that you are giving away. Usually after I read them, I pass them on. Thank you so much and God bless you.
Would love to win your new book ,I havent read any of your books yet but would love to start,thank
I have read a couple of your books, I enjoy reading all Amish books. I pray I can be chosen. God Bless You
I am a librarian in a small library in the middle of Amish and Mennonites. We shop at their farms for fruits, vegies, milk, cheeses and meets. these people are very friendly and likable. they won’t seek you out, but you can ask them anything and they will invite you in for lemonade and cookie. The Mennonites come in to the library to use the computers to list their wood projects and the Amish come in and check out books by janette Oke, Beverly Lewis, and Jerry Eicher, who all write about the amish. go figure?
Thanks for the article! Lots of good info. Would love to win!
Thank you for your research and bringing us another group of historical people. This will make an educational read.
thank you for all of the information and comparative study of the two groups. This looks like a great series of books
Interesting comparisons. Another comparison could be the Amish to our ansesters . A lot of things to ponder. Thanks for this opportunity.
I love fiction that teaches! I don’t know much about the Huguenots. It sounds so interesting!
What an interesting read! I’m very interested in the history of religions, and would love to read any, and all of these books. Thanks for the opportunity!
Very informative article. Always something interesting to learn when you read. Looking forward to reading My Brother’s Crown.
Interesting comparison. Thanks! I know that my mother’s father’s parents were an Irish immigrant – my great grandfather – and a Pennsylvania Dutch woman, but I don’t know much about that branch of the family (unfortunately) since my grandfather left my grandmother, my mom, and her older sister (who was not my grandfather’s daughter) when my mom was 9. Le sigh. Though I’m fascinated by the study of the Amish and what they believe, I’m glad to be part of the modern world, and especially glad for computers and Internet that allow access to all kinds of information – like this site for instance
Would love to win your Amish Series. (Already have My Brother’s Crown!). So interesting to read about the different religious groups. Thank you so much for sharing
Very interesting article. Thanks for the research. I would enjoy reading any of these.
I enjoy reading any and all Amish fiction , due to I don’t mind any child picking up the book and reading. No swear words in it. Always a great story. I have found one I didn’t love from cover to cover
I loved your Courtships of Lancaster County series. Would love to win more of your books. Thank you for the chance to win one.
Thank you for this chance! They all look really good!!
I love to read Amish Fiction. Would love to win .
I would love to win your new book. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to at least try to win.
My mother and I each love Amish Books
I like to read Amish Books. Thanks for a chance to win.
I enjoyed reading about the Huguenots. I think there is a connection to them in my husband’s ancestry. I would like to read more about them.
Hi ~ I posted earlier but do not see it here. Will comment again 😀 I would like to win a copy of The Amish Seamstress to round out the series! May we not assimilate so far into culture that we are not different from it. Thank you for your posting. I just finished a book of the start of the reformation. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
I would love to win the series “The Women of Lancaster Country”. I have”The Nanny”, but not the other three books.
A fascinating post thank you. Looking forward to a great read.
Looks like a great new book. Thank you for a chance to win
Enjoyed reading the differences. Would love to be a winner.
I would love tor ead your books. I have read only one so far.
Would be honored to win. Love Amish fiction!
I would love to read your book, I live in Indiana right by an Amish community, I really enjoy learning about there lives and how they work and live so close together. Thank you so much for writing, I love reading all kinds of books.
I have always been intrigued by the Amish lifestyle and these books will continue to entertain and educate me
Thanks for the opportunity to enter this competition.
I love reading Amish fiction and would be thrilled to win a set of “The Women of Lancaster County!” Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Ruth
Would love to win the Amish but the My Brother’s Crowns looks interesting also.
I like the way you broke the different aspects down & explained the similarities & differences.
I would love for won either of these prizes. My great grandfather came over from France and was Hugenot. Thanks foe the into.
Thanks for the the historical lesson. Very informative. Also, for the chance to win a good read.
I think the two of you are such a powerhouse of writers. I absolutely love your books, but have some of them on Kindle, not physical copies. I read and reviewed My Brother’s Crown for Netgalley, which I now understand is more like borrowing. *Sigh* I would give a lot for my own physical copy. May just have to break down and buy it!!
I enjoy reading about the Amish. I grew up with a sister who joined a church in her teens and I always wanted to understand why.
I am an avid reader who finds the Amish life fascinating. While many Amish live near me and I know a little bit about them I have never heard of the Huguenots until now. I would love to win your series The Women of Lancaster County. Keep up the great writing and thank your for doing the giveaways!
Would like to read any of these books!
I enjoy all books. Thanks for a chance to win.
All awesome books. Thank you for you diligence in writing.
Haven’t read “My brother’s Crown yet, but have enjoyed the women of Lancaster series. Keep those books coming. Winter is almost upon us and what better time to curl up with a good book, a warm fire, and a glass of eggnog.
VERY interesting!
Happy Thanksgiving and Many Blessings!
Amada (a.m.a.th.a)
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 24th, 2015 at 4:44 pm
Thank you, Amanda!
Looking forward to reading these books. If they are 1/2 as good as those I’ve read, they will be awesome. Thanks so much for using your God given talent to bless us.
So sad that so many people had to leave their homeland because of religious reasons!
I would love to win a set of the Women of Lancaster County! I’m determined to visit there someday! 😀
That was really interesting.
The Women of Lancaster County looks like a great read to me. I love mybAmish books. Thanks for the chance to win them!,
Would love to win My Brother’s Crown. I have the other set, courtesy of a good friend, and can’t wait to read them. Thanks!
My Brother’s Crown sounds like it would be a book I should read! I enjoy both of the authors’ books.
What a great history lesson! I’m all about learning something new and this was all new to me. Thanks so much! If I were to win, I’d love to read The Women of Lancaster county.
I learned while doing research on my family that sometime during the 1600’s some of my ancestors were Huguenots. At the time it meant nothing to me and I did very little research except to learn that they were French. Thank you so much for sharing you research. I will definitely go back an learn more about my ancestors, It would be great to win My Brother’s Crown. That would be a great place to start.
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 24th, 2015 at 4:44 pm
Gilda, how interesting that you have Huguenot ancestors!
I am an avid Amish fiction reader. I look forward to reading My Brothers Crown which sounds and looks very interesting.
I loved the history lesson and the chance to win. The Women of Lancaster County would be great to win. I have started to read Amish book recently and enjoying relaxing with them.
Very informative. I’m a fan of Amish fiction.
I enjoy the history and background you ladies do on your books. I look forward to My Brother’s Crown. I have Amish Promises on my to be read stack
what an awesome giveaway. thanks
I am a very avid reader and Amish stories are the first ones I pick. Since I am retired now I bombard the library since buying is no longer in my budget, coming away sometime with 25 books mostly Amish. It would be a wonderful Christmas gift to be chosen for The Women of Lancaster County. Good luck to everyone.
I would love to win any of these books!! Thank you for writing and keeping my interest in the Amish at an ultimate high and now for adding the Huguenots.
Thank you for the lesson. It will be very useful in future studies. Would like to win the Amish set.
I would love to receive My Brothers Crown and learn more about the hugenots. Very interesting and a change from the Amish.
My wife reads a lot of Amish stories, I started to read one and I got hooked. Thank you for all the history that you include. Bless you
So many enteies will be hard to win to review. Butwill try.
Awaiting new series. Have been an active reader of many Amish books in the past, and want to learn about a new sect.
I read all of the Amish books that I can find, and especially enjoy the series. I love to follow a person/family for more than one book. One reason that I enjoy these authors is that there is no foul language nor blatant sexual contents in their books. Would enjoy reading the new series.
I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy and am fascinated with the Amish books I have read. I’m sure I’ve read about every one of of your books. I have a kindle and I check them out from the local library. I always recommend more of your books as I learn about them. What a wonderful yet hard life the Amish people endure. In a this fast pace world I am thankful for your books to escape! Thank you and please keep writing!
This series sounds like a winner! Thank you for the opportunity!
Love reading books about Amish and Mennonites. Can’t wait to add another community into my readings. Keep your books coming and with all the other Amish authors, I should never run out of new material to read.
Thank you for keeping us informed and entertained.
I also love reading Amish books and I would love to read these books! Thanks for the chance at winning one of these great books!
I have read all the above books and they were great. It was hard to put them down.
I really wand the Brothers Crown
I read everything I can about the Amish. Mostly because of being a Christian, I abhor the sex scenes and language of most other romance books. I relate to the Amish, although I doubt if I could live as they do, lol. I would love to win any of the books you are so generously offering. Thank you and good luck to all. Hugs
Leslie Gould Reply:
November 24th, 2015 at 4:43 pm
Thank you, Beverly, for stopping by and leaving a comment!
There is always so much to learn about the different groups. Thank you for the very interesting information!
Very interesting reading. Thank you for posting that.
I found this comparison very interesting and helpful. I can’t wait for the new books to be available. Thank you!
This giveaway is now closed. The winners will be announced soon. Thank you to all who have entered!
[…] Thoel is the winner of The Women of Lancaster County series from my Amish Reader giveaway, and Linda McFarland is the winner of My Brother’s […]
Thanks for a chance at winning this book. I haven’t heard much about them.
Discovered the Amish books in our public library (Hamilton, New Zealand) …find them really uplifting as there is a good plot line, with lots of little twists!, but also an uncontrived way of weaving Christian faith and scrpture into daily situations. Thank you both so much Leslie and Mindy.
A friend sent me a link to you newest book because you and I share the same name!! So I came over to check out your books and I believe I will have to add some of these to my library.