Cheese and Bacon Frittata Recipe

Jerry Eicher just launched a brand-new series (The St. Lawrence County Amish) with the release of A Heart Once Broken! To celebrate all things Jerry Eicher, we asked our Facebook fans to vote for a recipe they’d want to try from the cookbook he co-wrote with his wife, Tina:

  1. Baked Blueberry and Peach Oatmeal
  2. Cheese and Bacon Frittata
  3. Old-Time Cake Donuts

The winner is…the frittata!

You’ll find the cheese and bacon frittata recipe below, as well as on our Facebook page and Pinterest recipes board.

If you want to try more Amish recipes, you can pick up a copy of The Amish Family Cookbook today!


Book Preview: A Heart Once Broken by Jerry Eicher

In this excerpt from A Heart Once Broken, the first book in a brand-new series by Jerry Eicher, Rosemary Beiler gets her chance to serve at a wedding alongside the handsome Amish man she admires: Ezra Wagler.

Enjoy the preview!


Rosemary’s mind drifted to the future. What would it be like to have a conversation with Ezra right after saying the wedding vows with him? The thought left her dizzy, and Rosemary tried to focus on the faces around her. Lydia and her cousin Enos had the table at the other end of the barn. Lydia noticed Rosemary’s glance and waved. Rosemary waved back.

“You’re doing very well today,” Ezra said when they paused to catch their breath.

“You’re just saying so,” Rosemary said.

“You’ve said that twice now,” he scolded. “I mean what I say.”

“Thanks.” Rosemary tried to smile. “I’m trying, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with you.” There, she had said the words.

Ezra appeared pleased, but no doubt he was used to such compliments. Didn’t both of the Troyer cousins shower him with attention?

“You undersell yourself,” Ezra said, as if he read Rosemary’s thoughts. “You shouldn’t, you know.”

“Stop saying such things,” Rosemary responded, her gaze on the floor. “You’re embarrassing me.”

Ezra chuckled. “Get used to it. You’re old enough to hear such true things about yourself.”

Rosemary gave him a quick glance. “I’ll try.” Now she had turned bright red again.

Ezra’s chuckle grew deeper. “And you have plenty of spunk.”

“Do you like spunk?” Rosemary asked without thinking. “I’m sorry, Ezra. I had no right to ask such a bold question.”

Ezra laughed. “There’s nothing to be sorry for. I love the way you are. You have nerve, for one thing. You’ll go places. As they say, the early bird gets the worm.”

“So now I’m a bird?” Rosemary pretended to frown.

“A pretty bird.” Ezra’s eyes twinkled.

“Ezra, don’t,” Rosemary said, wishing he’d say it again.

Ezra smiled and whispered, “Come, Rosemary, it’s time to serve dessert.”

He said her name with such tenderness that Rosemary had to look away.


Excerpted from A Heart Once Broken by Jerry Eicher

Book Preview: Planted with Hope by Tricia Goyer and Sherry Gore

In this excerpt from Planted with Hope, the second book in the Pinecraft Pie Shop series by Tricia Goyer and Sherry Gore, widower Jonas Sutter and his young daughter, Emma, join Hope Miller for a gospel sing…

Enjoy the preview!


They listened to the music for nearly an hour. Jonas hadn’t seen Emma so peaceful for quite some time. When the music finished they decided to walk down to Pinecraft Park. They talked about winters in Kentucky and Ohio as they walked. They talked about what their homes were like. Hope talked about her garden.

“Emma, when I was your age I used to pick a tin pail full of cherry tomatoes, washing them off under the cool water from the spring pump and then sitting under the tall maple tree and eating them all. I kept the heirloom seeds from those tomatoes. They were as old as the tree itself. Maybe older.”

Emma wrinkled her nose and skipped ahead. “Yuck, who wants to eat old tomatoes?”

Jonas chuckled and shook his head, but he didn’t explain. They seemed so content walking along like that.

“My grandfather once told me that our garden had been tended in the same plot since before the Civil War.” Hope sighed as her arms swung at her sides. “I felt part of something there—part of history, part of the heritage. And I sensed I was meant to tend that garden.”

Hope went on to share about her dat’s illness and their move.

“And here?” Jonas dared to ask. “You don’t feel the same about gardening?”

At the word gardening Emma reached up and took his hand, squeezing it. She glanced up at him and winked. Jonas smiled back, knowing their secret was safe.

Hope lifted her hands in the air in defeat. “Here, for so long, I felt like an imposter. The soil is an enemy. The sun a weapon.”

“Those are strong words.”

Hope cocked an eyebrow. “Have you tried to plant anything here?”

“No.” Jonas shrugged. “But I have a feeling, Hope, that under the right conditions you’d be able to get a garden to grow… no, make that flourish.”

She tilted her head and looked at him. She opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it again. Had she been about to tell him about the garden behind Me, Myself, and Pie? And if so, what stopped her from saying anything?

Give it time. Give her time. The words blew into Jonas’s mind like a soft ocean breeze. Time? He didn’t have much of it. As soon as the school year was finished in Pinecraft he’d be heading home.

The music played, and Emma started clapping along, but Jonas’s mind wandered. Would there be enough time to see if anything special was growing between them?


Excerpted from Planted with Hope by Tricia Goyer & Sherry Gore

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Recipe: Haystack Supper

Planted with HopeWe’re so excited that the next book in The Pinecraft Pie Shop series is here! Planted with Hope by Tricia Goyer and Sherry Gore released March 1st. To celebrate, we asked our Facebook fans to vote for a recipe they’d want to try from several featured in the novel:

  1. Poppy Seed Chicken
  2. Haystack Supper
  3. Florida Vegetable Medley

The winner is…Haystack Supper!

You’ll find the recipe below, as well as on our Facebook page and Pinterest recipes board.

If you want more great recipes to try (with a side of sweet Amish romance), be sure to order your copy of Planted with Hope! (And don’t miss Book 1 in the series, Made with Love.)

Haystack Supper - Planted with Hope - edited


A Gardening Secret Learned from the Amish: Article by Georgia Varozza

99 Favorite Amish Home RemediesThen God said,
“I give you every seed-bearing plant
on the face of the whole earth
and every tree that has fruit with seed in it.
They will be yours for food.”

Epsom salt works for more than soothing the aches and pains from sore muscles—it’s a workhorse in the garden too!

Years ago when I attended a conservative Amish Mennonite church, I went to an elderly church member’s home for a visit. I couldn’t help but notice that her flower beds were exceptionally beautiful, and her rosebushes were particularly stunning. I asked what her secret was for such beauty and she told me about Epsom salt. Here is what I learned:

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Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral mixture of magnesium and sulfate. You can buy Epsom salt in grocery stores and drugstores, and a box or bag is very inexpensive. A few dollars spent now will last you a good while, and once you begin using it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.

What that dear lady told me allGeorgia Varozza Gardening Post Pic 1 those years ago was to sprinkle a small handful of Epsom salt around the base of my rosebushes and then pour a bottle of red wine around each bush once spring growth started. (Use the cheapest red wine you can find—the roses won’t care!)

I took her advice and was amazed at how happily my roses responded. I’ve been doing it ever since, although now I don’t use the wine because my frugal nature is such that I don’t like to spend the money. Instead, I sprinkle a couple of tablespoonfuls around the base of each rosebush about three times each summer growing season, and they respond well.

Georgia Varozza Gardening Post Pic 2

Here are some other uses for Epsom salt in the garden:

– Before planting your vegetable garden in the spring, scratch in one cup of Epsom salt for every 100 square feet of planting area.

– Mix one tablespoon of Epsom salt for every foot of plant height in a watering can for all your veggies except sage and use the solution to water your plants; repeat as often as every two weeks.

– Tomatoes, peppers, and fruit trees and plants will often thrive with a foliar spray made using 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt to every gallon of water. You can use this spray as often as every two weeks, but I figure I’m doing well if I get to it three times during the season. If your soil is lacking in magnesium and/or sulfur, you’ll notice that your fruits and veggies taste sweeter and are bigger than their non-sprayed neighbors.

– When transplanting veggies or when planting a new rosebush in your garden, scratch a spoonful or two into the bottom of the hole, making sure that a layer of dirt covers the Epsom salt so the tender roots don’t directly touch the salt.

By the way, Epsom salt will dissolve much easier if you use warm water instead of cold water straight from the hose. Before using the mixture, set the watering can aside in the shade until the water has cooled.

Georgia Varozza Gardening Post Pic 3

Being frugal by nature, Epsom salt has found a permanent place in my home, and I hope you’ll find it useful too. And with gardening season just about upon us, this is the perfect time to get to a local store and buy your “garden success in a bag”!

Blessings and happy gardening,

Learn how to live the simple life with more great ideas for healthcare, home, and yard in 99 Favorite Amish Home Remedies!

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Georgia VarozzaGeorgia Varozza, author of the popular Homestyle Amish Kitchen Cookbook (more than 70,000 copies sold), enjoys teaching people how to prepare and preserve healthy foods, live simply, and get the most from what they have. She works in publishing and lives in a small Oregon community. Visit her online at


Mennonite Disaster Service: How You Can Help

By Vannetta Chapman

My latest release, Joshua’s Mission, is about a hurricane that hits Port Aransas, Texas. It’s the story of people volunteering to help those in need.

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) has been doing that across the U.S. for many years. Amish, Mennonite, and people from other Christian faiths participate. They go to a place of need, set up a headquarters, and stay until the work is finished. This might be six months or five years.

The pictures I’ve included were taken in Bastrop, Texas, where my husband is working this week. You can read more about the Bastrop project HERE.

mds bastrop new 1

Don’t we all love to read about people helping other people in the name of Christ? It’s an awesome thing. But today I wanted to talk about what you and I can do to help with these mission efforts.

1) If you can go, then go! It’s okay if you don’t have experience, or if you only have a day or two to work. They can use you! And don’t worry about your inexperience. My husband had never hung drywall before yesterday. It’s amazing what we can learn to do. You can learn more about volunteering with MDS HERE.

2) If you can’t go, you can contribute! It seems like people are always asking for donations, and it’s hard to know what charities are legitimate. I can assure you that any funds you send to MDS will be used to rebuild homes. You can find more details HERE.

3) If you can’t contribute, pray! The most powerful thing we can do for someone else is to pray for them. Pray for safety, for wisdom, for resources, and for success. Pray for the people who are working and the people who are in need of a home. Pray for the towns that have been ravaged by hurricanes and tornadoes and fires and floods. Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ.

4) Share! So many people I’ve talked to have never heard of MDS. In fact, I had never heard of MDS a few years ago. So share the good news. Share a Facebook post or this blog post or the MDS page. If you’re having coffee with someone, tell them about this amazing organization. SHARE the good news, because maybe someone else would like to help.

I enjoyed exploring Port Aransas, learning about MDS, and sharing with my readers another story of the Plain and Simple life led by the Amish. Thank you for being faithful readers!

Joshua's Mission Quote Card 3

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vcVannetta Chapman writes inspirational fiction full of grace. She discovered her love for the Amish while researching her grandfather’s birthplace of Albion, Pennsylvania. Vannetta was a teacher for 15 years and currently writes full time where she lives in the Texas hill country with her husband.

Visit her at


Book Preview: Joshua’s Mission by Vannetta Chapman

In this excerpt from Joshua’s Mission, the second book in Vannetta Chapman’s Plain & Simple Miracles series, Becca Troyer learns about the Mennonite Disaster Service and contemplates going on a mission trip to Texas…

Enjoy the preview!


Daddi talked to me about going on a mission trip with the Mennonite Disaster Service group.”

Her parents exchanged a knowing look, but neither spoke.

“I don’t even understand the MDS program. And why are you two smiling at each other like that?”

“Your mother and I met on a mission trip.”

“I never knew that.”

Her mom shrugged and sipped her milk.

Her father sat forward, arms crossed on the table, and smiled at her. He had always seemed like a pillar of strength to Becca. More than anything, she appreciated the way he always spoke to her honestly—as an adult, not as a child. She liked that she could trust him to be truthful even when it hurt her feelings or she didn’t agree.

“I know that part of what we contribute in our tithe offering funds MDS,” Becca said. “I suppose I’ve known that for years. Is it only Amish who volunteer?”

Nein. Mennonites participate as well.” Her father helped himself to another piece of bread.

Her mom ran the tip of her finger around the rim of her glass. “Brethren in Christ too, even some Christian groups who are not associated directly with our Anabaptist tradition.”

That sounded like a lot of people to Becca.

“Who coordinates it all?”

“Each site has a crew manager,” her father explained. “That person may vary from week to week or may stay through the entire length of the project. While there, they oversee volunteers as well as construction materials and the like.”

“So it’s not a lot of youngies running around on their own.”

“It isn’t. MDS does serious work, Becca. We assist people who don’t have the means to recover from various disasters.

She thought about that a moment, while her finger traced the bread crumbs on her plate. “Like what kind of disasters?”

“Floods, hurricanes, fires. Pretty much any type of disaster where we can provide relief.”

“I don’t remember you two participating. Did you only go that once? The time you met?”

“We went on three different trips,” her mother said.


“Two before we were married and one after.”

“And then?”

“Then you came along, and we both felt we needed to stay home.”

What did that mean? Would they resume going on mission trips once she had married or moved away? She’d never thought about her parents’ life after she moved on—if she moved on. This conversation was opening up an entire new bundle of questions she wasn’t sure she wanted to address.

“Would you like to go on a mission trip?” her dat asked.

“I don’t know. It sounded like something fun to do. Well, maybe not fun exactly, but you know… different.”

“Except… ” Her mother studied her as she waited for Becca to finish her thought.

“Except I’m not sure I want to be responsible for someone else’s recovery. I don’t know anything about that.”

Her father smiled and slapped the kitchen table. “We will pray on this. All of us. You will know, Becca. If Gotte wants you to serve somewhere, you will know it is the right thing to do. Gotte will provide for you and equip you.

Her father tromped back outside to finish his afternoon work.

Her mother continued adding final touches to the postcards.

And Becca crocheted. As she did so, her father’s words continued to ring through her heart. “Gotte will provide for you and equip you.” She’d never thought of herself that way before—as a tool in the hand of God, something He could use to help others. The idea was rather exciting and frightening at the same time.


Excerpted from Joshua’s Mission by Vannetta Chapman

Joshua's Mission Quote Card 1

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Discover Vannetta Chapman’s Favorites from Joshua’s Mission

The celebration of Joshua’s Mission continues! First off, don’t forget that there’s a sweet giveaway going on, with a chance to win two copies of the book and all the supplies you’d need for a lovely afternoon with a friend (mugs, coffee, tea, and chocolate). To get your name in the drawing, fill out the form HERE (or at the end of the post).*

Second, this week we’re sharing a series of fun little interviews with the author, Vannetta Chapman. Today’s interview will reveal some of Vannetta’s favorite things pertaining to her new novel…

Vannetta’s Favorites

  • Character in Joshua’s Mission: My heart is with Charlie. I love all the characters in the book, but Charlie is the one who THINKS his life is over, only to find that God isn’t finished with him yet.
  • Line in the story: “The world doesn’t stand still, Charlie. And you wouldn’t want it to.”
  • Experience serving on an emergency response team: We were working on a house that had been flooded in Wimberley, Texas. The water had reached the roofline. Minutes after we showed up to work, the family that owned the house arrived, along with six children. Oh my. My first reaction was that they were going to be in the way! But those children worked so hard, and they were so respectful, that it ended up being a wonderful experience.
  • Part about living in Texas: The people. Texans are such down-to-earth, God-fearing, hard-working, good people, and I adore them.
  • Bible verse on serving others: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40).

Your turn! Do you have some favorites from the list that you would like to share? Let us know in the comments, and remember to enter the giveaway!

* * *

vcVannetta Chapman writes inspirational fiction full of grace. She discovered her love for the Amish while researching her grandfather’s birthplace of Albion, Pennsylvania. Vannetta was a teacher for 15 years and currently writes full time where she lives in the Texas hill country with her husband.

Visit her at

*The giveaway is open to US residents only (due to shipping costs). The form will close at midnight on March 1, 2016. Good luck!


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What Would Vannetta Chapman Do in Her Story? (Joshua’s Mission)

The celebration of Joshua’s Mission continues! First off, don’t forget that there’s a sweet giveaway going on, with a chance to win two copies of the book and all the supplies you’d need for a lovely afternoon with a friend (mugs, coffee, tea, and chocolate). To get your name in the drawing, fill out the form HERE (or at the end of the post).*

Second, this week we’re sharing a series of fun little interviews with the author, Vannetta Chapman. Today’s interview puts the author right in the middle of her story…

What Would Vannetta Do?

Welcome, Vannetta! Today we want to know how you would respond if you found yourself in some of the situations in your book. Would you make the same choices as your characters—or do something entirely different?

Scenario 1: You’re a young adult over the age of 18, and your parents and pastor have practically signed you up for a mission trip that begins in two days. How do you react?

  • I’m in! Sounds like a great experience.
  • Hmmm. I need to know more about the specifics of the trip before I decide whether or not I want to go.
  • I prefer not to be pressured into doing anything. I’ll pass this time and consider other possibilities for serving.

Vannetta explains: I’m always ready to jump in, sometimes without completely knowing what I’m committing to. That’s resulted in some rather funny situations that I’d rather not repeat!

Scenario 2: You’re on a mission trip in a state (or country) you’ve never visited before. In your free time, what would you most like to do?

  • Go sightseeing as much as I can on my budget.
  • Find a way to earn some extra money and save up for a big experience (for example: surfing lessons or a boat ride).
  • Stick around the place where I’m staying and find ways to help or get to know the people I’m serving with.

Vannetta explains: I would love to say C, but the truth is probably A. I love to visit new places and want to see all I can while I’m there. :)

Scenario 3: Your teenage sibling (who has a penchant for mischief) is out quite late and didn’t tell anyone where he was going. What do you do?

  • Panic! Time to send out a search party and call all his friends.
  • Keep calm. He’s got a good head on his shoulders, and he’ll come home when he’s ready.
  • Pace the floor and prepare The Lecture for whenever he shows up.

Vannetta explains: I believe I can remember doing C a time or two when my son was a teenager. :)

Scenario 4: Your town is hit by a hurricane. After the storm passes, you want to help in the rebuilding efforts. How will you serve?

  • Give me a hammer and nails—I’m handy with tools!
  • Give me some food and an oven—everyone needs to eat, and I can cook a mean meal.
  • Give me paint and a brush—I love putting on the finishing touches to a project.

Vannetta explains: I like doing the hammer and nails stuff. I’ve hammered hurricane joists on a Habitat for Humanity house before, and pulled out hundreds of nails from a house that had been flooded. There’s something about a hammer that is satisfying.


Your turn! What would you do in each of these scenarios? Let us know in the comments, and join us on Friday for Part 3 of the interview!

* * *

vcVannetta Chapman writes inspirational fiction full of grace. She discovered her love for the Amish while researching her grandfather’s birthplace of Albion, Pennsylvania. Vannetta was a teacher for 15 years and currently writes full time where she lives in the Texas hill country with her husband.

Visit her at

*The giveaway is open to US residents only (due to shipping costs). The form will close at midnight on March 1, 2016. Good luck!


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Multiple Choice Interview with Vannetta Chapman (Joshua’s Mission)

We’re celebrating the release of Joshua’s Mission here at this month! First off, there’s a sweet giveaway going on, with a chance to win two copies of the book and all the supplies you’d need for a lovely afternoon with a friend (mugs, coffee, tea, and chocolate). To get your name in the drawing, fill out the form HERE (or at the end of the post).*

Second, this week we’re sharing a series of fun little interviews with the author, Vannetta Chapman. Today’s interview takes us back to the good ol’ school days with a multiple choice quiz…


Vannetta Gets Quizzed

1. Your favorite thing to do while at the beach is…

  • Surfing
  • Building sand castles
  • Searching for shells
  • Walking along the waves

Vannetta explains: I’m crazy about sea shells, especially sand dollars. I take them home, rinse off the sand and salt water, and put them out on my back patio.

2. The thing you most enjoy about traveling is…

  • Meeting new people
  • Trying new food or activities
  • Discovering new things about yourself
  • Being in a new environment for a while

Vannetta explains: I adore traveling, absolutely love going to new places, seeing new things, and yes, meeting new people. I like sampling the food and taking pictures. I like seeing how other people live. But what I like most about being in a new environment, is that it makes me appreciate home.

3. The character from Joshua’s Mission who most resembles you is…

  • Joshua Kline
  • Alton Kline
  • Becca Troyer
  • Charlie Everman

Vannetta explains: I am a little like Charlie, in that I’d like the world to stand still for a few moments. He’s nostalgic about the past, and he has good reason to be. I feel that way sometimes, and I have to be reminded that God’s in charge of such things, not man.

4. The most interesting topic you researched for the book was…

  • Hurricanes
  • Mennonite Disaster Service
  • Rebuilding after a natural disaster
  • Amish travel

Vannetta explains: Of course it’s really all of those things, but it was fascinating for me to learn how MDS commits to a particular place that has suffered a natural disaster, and then stays there until the work is done. They are literally being the hands of Christ to strangers.

5. Of the following, your favorite sea creature is a…

  • Stingray
  • Puffer fish
  • Starfish
  • Shark

Vannetta explains: Those puffer fish are pretty funny.


Your turn! Which answers would you pick for this quiz? Let us know in the comments, and join us on Wednesday for Part 2 of the interview!

* * *

vcVannetta Chapman writes inspirational fiction full of grace. She discovered her love for the Amish while researching her grandfather’s birthplace of Albion, Pennsylvania. Vannetta was a teacher for 15 years and currently writes full time where she lives in the Texas hill country with her husband.

Visit her at

*The giveaway is open to US residents only (due to shipping costs). The form will close at midnight on March 1, 2016. Good luck!


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