A Special Offer for Our Ebook Fiction Readers!








We have a great deal right now on some fantastic reads! You’ll find all the titles listed below for $2.99/each — available wherever ebooks are sold!

This offer won’t last forever…it ends on Monday, January 21, 2013. So, check out your favorite ebook store today. And Happy Reading!

–Your Friends at AmishReader.com


Amish Novels

The Face of Heaven by Murray Pura

Lyndel Keim and Nathaniel King are at odds with their Amish colony when they join the Civil War effort.  A wound threatens Nathaniel’s life and Lyndel must call upon God. A dramatic and moving story set during America’s darkest hours.


The Wings of Morning by Murray Pura

Jude Whetstone and Lyyndaya Kurtz, whose families are converts to the Amish faith, are slowly falling in love. Jude has also fallen in love with flying that new-fangled invention, the aeroplane. An exciting historical romance set in 1917 during America’s participation in World War I.


Other Inspirational Fiction

Love Blooms in Winter by Lori Copeland

In a little town in North Dakota in 1892, an engagement, a runaway train, and a town of quirky, loveable people make for more of an adventure than a visiting railroad executive is expecting. But it is amazing what can bloom in winter when God is in charge of things.


Every book in the beloved “A Place Called Home” series by Lori Wick

A Place Called Home

After escaping to Baxter because of her grandfather’s deathbed warning, Christine begins to piece together a new life. The love she finds there, along with newfound faith, sustains her as she faces the threat of danger.


 A Song for Silas

Amy thought love would never pass her way again. She didn’t know how close it was…until she met Silas. A tender story of the flowering of hidden love and the nurturing of faith in the farmlands of Wisconsin.


The Long Road Home

Broken now in body as well as spirit, Paul must face his own heart as he encounters the love of God in the patient care of his nurse. This turn–of the century romance touches the shattered dreams of a young, widowed pastor with God’s faithfulness and the possibility of new love.


 A Gathering of Memories

Her heart was fragile from too much pain—would her defenses push Ross away? A poignant tale about love fulfilled, A Gathering of Memories will capture the hearts and minds of romantics everywhere.




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