Each year we Englischers love to make resolutions, no? And so I’ve come up with three that I’ve learned from the Amish. After interviewing, researching, and then writing about the Amish in my novels I’ve found my life has changed under their influence. Although I must add, I must reconfirm these three every January.
First of all: Slow down. Whether driving, talking or eating dinner, a person enjoys the event much more if they take it easy. I once thought if I didn’t rush, I would never finish everything I needed to in a given day. That’s not true. Whoever said “haste makes waste” knew what she was talking about. Secondly, make do with less. An Amish woman’s entire wardrobe hangs on hooks in her bedroom or can be folded neatly into one or two dresser drawers. Do I really need another pair of black heels or another summer dress? Women often buy because it’s “too good a bargain to pass up.” What a waste. I now shop with a list such as “new jeans” and won’t buy anything else, no matter how great the sale price. Thirdly, don’t compare yourself to others. There is little competition in the Amish world. We will always find someone smarter/prettier/richer/more talented than us.
And here’s a bonus resolution: Don’t over-plan life. The best opportunities come up spur-of-the-moment. If we map out our entire future (or at least try to) we’ll miss the valuable chances God drops in our path. Trust Him in all matters. As a Christian, I have witnessed His awesome power to change lives. I hope your 2013 is filled with love and blessings from above.

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Old German Recipe by Rosanna Coblentz
¼ cup butter
4 med apples, peeled and sliced
½ red onion, chopped
1 head red cabbage, finely shredded
1 cup red wine (opt.)
4 whole cloves
1/3 c brown sugar
2 bay leaves
¼ cup vinegar
¼ cup butter
Juice of ½ lemon
Sliced or cubed cooked pork roast (opt.)
Melt butter in 4 quart Dutch oven. Add apples and onion sauté slightly. Add cabbage, red wine, cloves, sugar and bay leaves. Simmer covered for about 1 hour, then add the remaining ingredients. Heat to melt the butter and serve immediately. Makes 6 servings. Note: For a hearty main dish, add sliced or cubed cooked pork roast, as much as desired, during the last hour.

Filed under: Amish Fiction, Authors, Mary Ellis, Meats/Main Dishes, Recipes by Mary
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Readers and writers of Amish fiction have discovered certain “rules” about the Amish–lifestyle choices that almost never vary from one Old Order district to the next, from one state to another. But the more I research this fascinating culture, the more I arrive at the conclusion every good rule is eventually…broken. During last summer’s trip to central Maine in preparation to write Living in Harmony, I found Unity, Maine challenged 3 of my long-held beliefs…two regarding the Amish, one involving my brief, past history as a 6th grade science teacher. First of all, unlike most Old Order districts, Unity Amish had built a meeting house to use for worship and social events, instead of holding services in each other’s homes. Secondly, unlike most Amish who avoid government paperwork, these farmers are gaining organic certification for their produce. And my science lesson? I’d learned every lake has a fresh-water intake flowing into it. Here’s a couple photos of Lake Unity, which has no freshwater source, other than rainwater. Glacially-formed, it only has an outtake for periods of heavy rain to prevent flooding of nearby homes. I hope you’ll look for Living in Harmony about the Amish of central Maine.

Filed under: Amish Fiction, Mary Ellis by Mary
During one of my first trips to Amish Country, I discovered an old-fashioned grain that’s growing in popularity, especially in organic and whole-food markets–Spelt. Some of my Old Order friends use spelt for horse feed, but have recently started baking with it, too. Here’s a recipe from Rosanna Coblentz of Winesburg, Ohio.
Old Fashioned Spelt-Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
Cream Together:
3 Cups Brown Sugar
1 ½ Cups butter
Beat in 4 eggs until creamy.
Blend in: 1 cup raisins
In a measuring cup: mix ½ cup boiling water and 3 tsp. Baking soda
Mix dry ingredients together:
1 ¾ cup All-purpose flour
2 cups whole Speltz flour
4 cups oatmeal (quick oats)
2 tsp. Cinnamon
2 tsp. Baking powder
Mix well together the dry ingredients to the creamed ingredients.
Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls on a cookie sheet about 2-3” apart and bake at 325 degrees for approximately 10 to 12 minutes.
Rosie’s hint….these make great Amish Whoopie Pies. Just make a frosting of:
2 Beaten egg whites
2 Cups powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Beat these ingredients together, then add 11/2 cups of Crisco shortening.
Spread on the bottom of one cookie then put another cookie on top. Kids love them!!
Filed under: Amish Fiction, Mary Ellis, Recipes by Mary
Spring is here, readers of Amish fiction, although I don’t believe any of us had much of a winter. When the weather turns warmer, my tastes run to lemons–lemonade, lemon poppyseed muffins, and lemon cake. Here’s a recipe invented by my Old Order Amish friend, Rosanna Coblentz. Hope you enjoy!
Fresh Lemon Sheet Cake
Cream together:
1 ½ Cups white sugar
½ cup butter (1 stick )
Mix Dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
2 Cups Cake Flour
4 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
Add dry ingredients to creamed ingredients alternate with 1 cup milk. Next add in the juice of ½ lemon and about 2 tsp lemon zest. (Optional: a few drops of lemon food coloring) Fold in 2 well beaten eggs last.
Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees – your oven temp may vary)
For approximately 25 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
Rosie’s Hint: This cake is great with lemon sherbet for a cool summertime treat or you can frost with a Lemon Butter Icing…Recipe below:
Cream 3 tbsp room temperature butter
Blend in 2 egg yolks
Stir in 2 ½ cups powdered sugar
1 tsp grated lemon rind (zest)
2 tbsp lemon juice
Filed under: Amish Fiction, Authors, Mary Ellis, Recipes by Mary
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Until I spent time interviewing and studying the lives of farmer, both Amish and English, it hadn’t occurred to me the responsibility of being the only son in the family. Most men who own family businesses hope their sons enjoy the vocation and will one day step into their shoes. But in an agricultural family, the stakes are much higher. Most small farms cannot afford to pay someone to run the operation when Dad wants to retire. If a man has no sons (or sons-in-law or daughters, in the case of Englischers) who wish to farm, he usually must sell the ancestral land. In An Amish Family Reunion I loved exploring this theme with my hero, Eli Riehl. Eli is a natural-born storyteller and wishes to write books for a living—an odd career for someone Plain. But while studying the Amish, I learned they are loyal, trustworthy and honor their duties, no matter what the price to their personal dreams.
Filed under: Amish Fiction, Mary Ellis by Mary
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Misinformation abounds regarding where Old Order Amish women can give birth. In Holmes and Wayne Counties in Ohio, where most of my stories are set, Amish women decide for themselves where to deliver their babies. Some choose the local hospital and will be attended by physicians and nurses. (Always recommended wherever a difficult delivery is anticipated) Some women choose to have their children at home, attended by an Amish midwife. Many women select one of the modern birthing centers springing up in areas of high Amish population. At these birthing centers, expectant moms are attended by licensed midwives/registered nurses (usually either English or Mennonite) and Amish midwives working together. These are family-friendly establishments in terms of husbands and older children. Women paid a flat fee, usually stay three days, and can opt for the underwater birthing tub. I will post some photos of the Birthing Center near Baltic, Ohio—an impressive, state-of-the-art facility. In An Amish Family Reunion, my fictional mom-to-be, Leah, chooses this center where she can relax and enjoy the best of both worlds.
Filed under: Amish Fiction, Mary Ellis by Mary
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I love to delve into the many themes that arise from a complex mother/daughter relationship. In An Amish Family Reunion I deal with the evolving power struggle beteen Julia (the mom) and her adult daughter, Emma. We met Emma in Never Far from Home as a rebellious teenager. Now she’s grown up with a happy marriage and two sons. But both her mother and her mother-in-law insist on making choices for her, much to her dismay. I think back to the relationship I had with my own mom. Here I was…married, teaching school, and handling the resposbilities of my first home, yet my mom would still call to ask: did you lock your doors, remember to take your vitamins, set the alarm clock for work?? Much of that is simple protective love, but she also tried hard to talk us out of vacationing abroad (could catch a dreaded disease) buying a house in the country (too far from the nearest hospital) and adopting a dog from the pound (could have fleas). I never became an adult in my mom’s eyes. Readers–drop me a line! Have any of you reached “adult status” with your mothers?
Filed under: Amish Fiction, Authors, Mary Ellis by Mary
One of the themes I enjoyed delving into was the mother/daughter relationship. What constitutes a mother? In this day and age, we have stretched the definition to include step-mothers, grandmothers serving as parents, foster-moms, adoptive mothers, and any other woman who places her child’s needs above her own. In An Amish Family Reunion we meet Phoebe Miller who has grown to love Hannah after suffering a tragic loss of her birth mother as a young child. Hannah’s love for Phoebe is unconditional, equal in every way to what she feels for her natural-born son. As an adopted daughter, I speak from experience. I couldn’t imagine loving my mother any more than I had. The extent of a mother’s love defies conventional rules, defining who we are and the women we will become.
Filed under: Amish Fiction, Authors, Mary Ellis by Mary
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This must be the week for good reviews for Harvest House authors at RT. Here’s what they said about An Amish Family Reunion: “A sweet contemporary romance with amazing characters who are beginning to figure out who they are and what they want out of life. The Amish are interesting to read about, as they live their lives according to the Bible, simpler and free of distractions. The details of Amish living reflect Ellis’ meticulous research.”
4-stars-RT BookReviews. Thanks, Rt, and congratulations, Murray, on the February top pick for The Wings of Morning! Also, fans of Amish fiction, please check out my new website www.maryellis.net It was a labor of love!
Filed under: Amish Fiction, Authors, Mary Ellis by Mary