In this excerpt from Joshua’s Mission, the second book in Vannetta Chapman’s Plain & Simple Miracles series, Becca Troyer learns about the Mennonite Disaster Service and contemplates going on a mission trip to Texas…
Enjoy the preview!
“Daddi talked to me about going on a mission trip with the Mennonite Disaster Service group.”
Her parents exchanged a knowing look, but neither spoke.
“I don’t even understand the MDS program. And why are you two smiling at each other like that?”
“Your mother and I met on a mission trip.”
“I never knew that.”
Her mom shrugged and sipped her milk.
Her father sat forward, arms crossed on the table, and smiled at her. He had always seemed like a pillar of strength to Becca. More than anything, she appreciated the way he always spoke to her honestly—as an adult, not as a child. She liked that she could trust him to be truthful even when it hurt her feelings or she didn’t agree.
“I know that part of what we contribute in our tithe offering funds MDS,” Becca said. “I suppose I’ve known that for years. Is it only Amish who volunteer?”
“Nein. Mennonites participate as well.” Her father helped himself to another piece of bread.
Her mom ran the tip of her finger around the rim of her glass. “Brethren in Christ too, even some Christian groups who are not associated directly with our Anabaptist tradition.”
That sounded like a lot of people to Becca.
“Who coordinates it all?”
“Each site has a crew manager,” her father explained. “That person may vary from week to week or may stay through the entire length of the project. While there, they oversee volunteers as well as construction materials and the like.”
“So it’s not a lot of youngies running around on their own.”
“It isn’t. MDS does serious work, Becca. We assist people who don’t have the means to recover from various disasters.”
She thought about that a moment, while her finger traced the bread crumbs on her plate. “Like what kind of disasters?”
“Floods, hurricanes, fires. Pretty much any type of disaster where we can provide relief.”
“I don’t remember you two participating. Did you only go that once? The time you met?”
“We went on three different trips,” her mother said.
“Two before we were married and one after.”
“And then?”
“Then you came along, and we both felt we needed to stay home.”
What did that mean? Would they resume going on mission trips once she had married or moved away? She’d never thought about her parents’ life after she moved on—if she moved on. This conversation was opening up an entire new bundle of questions she wasn’t sure she wanted to address.
“Would you like to go on a mission trip?” her dat asked.
“I don’t know. It sounded like something fun to do. Well, maybe not fun exactly, but you know… different.”
“Except… ” Her mother studied her as she waited for Becca to finish her thought.
“Except I’m not sure I want to be responsible for someone else’s recovery. I don’t know anything about that.”
Her father smiled and slapped the kitchen table. “We will pray on this. All of us. You will know, Becca. If Gotte wants you to serve somewhere, you will know it is the right thing to do. Gotte will provide for you and equip you.”
Her father tromped back outside to finish his afternoon work.
Her mother continued adding final touches to the postcards.
And Becca crocheted. As she did so, her father’s words continued to ring through her heart. “Gotte will provide for you and equip you.” She’d never thought of herself that way before—as a tool in the hand of God, something He could use to help others. The idea was rather exciting and frightening at the same time.
Excerpted from Joshua’s Mission by Vannetta Chapman

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Filed under: Amish Fiction, Vannetta Chapman by Amber |
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