Join Lena Yoder, Amish born and raised, as she shares about a day of winter baking (and a recipe for cream pie!) in this excerpt from My Life as an Amish Wife…
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“This is the day which the Lᴏʀᴅ has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” It’s easy to contemplate Psalm 118:24 on such a beautiful sunshine-filled day as today. We are to rejoice and be glad on the dreary days too, but it doesn’t come so easily then.
I’m aching to head outside and walk two miles, breathing in the fresh air and drinking in the beauty around me. I’d enjoy some quiet time by myself and feeling my muscles working to rid my body of all the sugar and flour I devoured today. My self-control went south this morning for some reason.
I baked a fresh batch of bread this forenoon, so decided to make one loaf of cheddar ranch as a treat for my family. I ate a piece of that for lunch. I also made Rice Crispy Treats for the children, and I had to lick what was stuck on my fingers when I transferred the mixture from the kettle to the pan. Wayne ordered an apple pie, but I haven’t tasted those except for a bit of crust that chipped off.
For several weeks now I’ve been aching for a piece of baked cream pie, so on this mighty day of baking I decided to bake three of those. I have no intention of eating them alone. In fact, I’ll share with the neighbors.
For the baked cream pie I use my Aunt Barbara’s recipe that is deliciously smooth and creamy. My sister Freda knows the recipe by heart. My sisters Ida and Leanna make it a lot. My sister Sue used it for one of her daughter’s wedding meals. My married nieces can bake them to perfection. So you see, it is definitely a family favorite. Self-discipline needs to come home again and stay settled.
Cream Pie
- 1 cup whole cream
- 2 cups half & half
- 3 egg whites
- ½ cup white sugar
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 rounded Tbsp. flour
- Dash of salt (important!)
- A little vanilla
Heat cream and half & half to a slight scald. Do not boil!
Beat egg whites until frothy. Add white sugar and beat a bit more. Add brown sugar, flour, salt, and vanilla. Mix. Add cream mixture.
Mix and pour into a pastry-lined 9-inch pie pan.
Bake at 400 degrees on bottom shelf until set. (You may need to reduce the temperature because a boiled pie is ruined.)
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Excerpted from My Life as an Amish Wife by Lena Yoder
You can order the book now on the Harvest House website or from your favorite book retailer!

Filed under: Desserts, Lena Yoder by Amber |